Patrick DeVos
PatrickA.A. DE VOS [°1963] studied Political Science at the Universityof Ghent [Belgium] and previously published on the issue of redistributionof labour from a political and historical perspective. Afterwards he becamea worker in socio-political adult training. Currently he is working onhis doctoral research program [Ph.D.] at the Department of Political Scienceof the University of Ghent. In connectionwith the issue of globalization and the altering relation between statesand markets - and through usage of decision-making analysis and discourseanalysis/theory - he investigates how after 1971, within the national politicalelite in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany, the socialdemocratic/interventionisticconsensus has been replaced by a neo-liberal productivistic consensus.He is also a member of the interdisciplinary Research Group World-SystemAnalysis at the University of Ghent.

Arun(1975) was Teaching Assistant in the Department of Communication Studies,Free University of Brussels, from 1997 to 2000. He then moved to MiltonKeynes, UK, where he is doing his PhD in Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences.His research concerns the politics of music tourism in Goa, and his theoreticalinterest goes to current debates on space, embodiment and relations ofpower. Reach him at

Isa research assistant at the Free University of Brussels, Department ofMedia Studies. He is currently working on a Ph D project on Streetmateand Blind Date (click here).His research interests include discourse analysis, gender theory, and questionsof identity in a media-related context. He can be reached at
Sofie VanBauwel
SofieVan Bauwel is a teaching and resaerch assistant of the Departement ofCommunicationStudies at the University of Ghent. Her research interests are focusedon feminism, gender and cultural studies and film- and televisionstudies.Currently she is working on a PhD project on multiple genderidentitiesin popular culture. Sofie can be reached at