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Selection of publications

Special Issue: The Construction of the Future of Platforms (eds.), Central European Journal of Communication, 17, 1(35).
A Morte e Vida Dos Monumentos Soviéticos / The Death and Life of Soviet Monuments, with Inês Moreira, Ruth Melioranski and Pille Runnel, Jornal Arquitectos, 264: 12-23.
"If You Don't Nurture the Nature inside of You, You Will Eventually Die": A Discourse-Theoretical Analysis of the Discursive Assemblage of Ecocentrism and Its Ethics in the Swedish Television Series Jordskott, with Vaia Doudaki, Mediální studia, 18(1), 6-26.
Introduction: The Construction of the Future of Platforms, with Miloš Hroch, Central European Journal of Communication, 17, 1(35): 2-16.
Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication Technologies: A Map of Four Anxiety and Two Hope Driven Scenarios, with Andrea Miconi, Central European Journal of Communication, 17, 1(35): 61-81.
Roundtable discussion: Perspectives on the Futures of Platforms and Democracy, with Miloš Hroch, Marie Heřmanová, Václav Janoščík, Dita Malečková and Martin Tremčinský, Central European Journal of Communication, 17, 1(35): 125-140.
Conceptualization of Change, with Kristýna Kopivová and Vaia Doudaki, Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 15(1).
Discursive-Material Struggles over Legitimate Heroism: A Visual Essay on Floating Signifiers and Their Materiality in the Estonian Second World War Memorialscape, with Ruth-Helene Melioranski, Pille Runnel and Inês Moreira, in Membrana, 7(1&2): 1-36.
Power & Gardens. Tecmerin: Journal of Audiovisual Essays, 12, 2023(2).
The Discursive Construction of Childhood in Three Turkish Childrens Books about the Cyprus Problem, with Mazlum Kemal Dağdelen, in International Research in Children's Literature, 17(2): 144-159.
A Social Mapping of Swedish Environment-Focussed Facebook Groups: The Principles, Methods and Implementation of a Mapping Project, with Vaia Doudaki, Telematics and Informatics, online first
When the Margins Enter the Centre: The Documentary Along the Borders of Turkey and Its YouTube Comments as Conflicting Constructions of Europeanity, with Vaia Doudaki, in Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl, Sandra Ponzanesi (eds.) Creating Europe from the Margins, London: Routledge, pp. 174-192.
The vertical and horizontal dimensions in the social construction of leadership: A case study on the social media followers of the Croatian politicians Zoran Milanović and Miro Bulj, with Silvija Vuković, online first.
Palimpsestic Memorializations of World War II: A Visual Essay on Material Displacements and Discursive Struggles in the Estonian Memorialscape, with Ruth-Helene Melioranski, Inês Moreira and Pille Runnel, Comunicazioni Sociali, 2: 219245.

Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation: A Participatory Semantic Map Approach, with Miloš Hroch, Sara Cannizzaro, Andrea Miconi and Vaia Doudaki, OBS*, 17(1): 100-133
Behind the narratives of climate change denial and rights of nature: Sustainability and the ideological struggle between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism in two radical Facebook groups in Sweden, with Vaia Doudaki, Journal of Political Ideologies, online first
Exploring digital media practices in discourse-material relations: Dialogue with Prof. Nico Carpentier, President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, with Piyu Gong, Yiming Chen and Guiquan Xu, Shanghai Journalism Review, 483(5): 75-83
Mapping environment-focused social media, audiovisual media and art, in Sweden: How a diversity of voices and issues is combined with ideological homogeneity, with Vaia Doudaki, Communications, online first

Mediating Change, Changing Media: Dimensions and Perspectives, with Vaia Doudaki and Michał Głowacki, CEJC, 15, 1(30): 2-14
Facebook Groups in Sweden Constructing Sustainability: Resisting Hegemonic Anthropocentrism, with Vaia Doudaki, CEJC, 15, 1(30): 52-71
Silencing/Unsilencing Nature: A 'Lupocentric' Remediation of Animal-Nature Relationships, CEJC, 15, 1(30): 92-111
Akademik Bilgiyi Yazılı Akademik Metnin Ötesine Aktarmak: Demokrasinin Aynalı Sarayı Enstalasyon Deneyinin Otoetnografik Bir Analizi, Yeni Medya, 12: 400-420

Scissors, glue and other machines:
The materiality of the Prague zine scene in the post-digital era, with Miloš Hroch, Tecmerin: Journal of Audiovisual Essays, 8.
Countering the stigma of homeless people: The Swedish street paper Situation Sthlm as a counter-hegemonic voice for the rehumanisation of homeless people, with Vaia Doudaki, Ali İhsan Akbaş, Tianyi Wang
"How is he entitled to say this": Constructing the identities of experts, ordinary people, and presenters in Swedish television series on climate change, with Kirill Filimonov
Bringing Discourse Theory into Media Studies: The applicability of Discourse Theoretical Analysis (DTA) for the Study of media practises and discourses, with Benjamin De Cleen (free content since 2022)

Silencing / Unsilencing Nature: A Participatory Visual Essay on the Right to Flourish, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1: 61-70.
Conflicting and entangled human-nature relationships: A discursive-material analysis of the documentary film Kiruna - A Brand New World, with Vaia Doudaki and Anna Rozsypal Pajerová, People and Nature, 3: 1166-1178.
The European Assemblage: A Discursive-Material Analysis of European Identity, Europaneity and Europeanisation, Filosofija. Sociologija, 32(3): 231-239.
Beyond the state as the cold monster: The importance of Russian alternative media in reconfiguring the hegemonic state discourse, with Kirill Filimonov, Critical Discourse Studies, 20(2): 166-182.

The dislocation of the empty signifier freedom as a tool in global political struggles: A case study on RTs mini-series How to watch the news, Javnost/The Public, online first.
Comunicando o conhecimento acadêmico além do texto acadêmico escrito: uma análise autoetnográfica do experimento da instalação Mirror Palace of Democracy, MATRIZes, 14(2): 75-99.
Discourse-theoretical perspectives on class, populism and participation. An interview with Nico Carpentier, with Yiannis Mylonas, Communications. Media. Design, 5(1): 201-221.
Introduction: Arts-Based Research in Communication and Media Studies, with Johanna Sumilia, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1: 3-10.

The Discursive Construction of War and Peace in the Books of Three Turkish Commanders on the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation, with D. Beybin Kejanlioglu, Journal of Cyprus Studies, 20(44): 19-46.
Putting a Non-Essentialist Ontology to Work: A Response to Peter Dahlgrens Review of the Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation, Conjunctions, 7(1): 1-12.
The Militarization of a Public Debate: A Discourse-Theoretical Analysis of the Construction of War and Peace in Public Debates Surrounding the Books of Three Turkish Military Commanders on the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation, with D. Beybin Kejanlioglu, Revista de Comunicação Dialógica, 3: 107-139.
From stakeholders to joint knowledge production partners: Structuring the participation of non-academic partners in the start-up phase of an academic research project, with Vaia Doudaki, Conjunctions, 8(1): 3-19.

Communicating Academic Knowledge Beyond the Written Academic Text: An Auto-Ethnographic Analysis of the Mirror Palace of Democracy Installation Experiment, International Journal of Communication, 14: 2120-2143.
Rescuing participation: A critique on the dark participation concept, with Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Duarte Melo, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 17-35.
Rescuing participation, thematic issue (English), edited with Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Duarte Melo, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36
Resgatar a participação, thematic issue (Portuguese), edited with Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Duarte Melo, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36

Resgatar a participação: Para uma crítica sobre o lado oculto do conceito, with Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Duarte MeloComunicação e Sociedade, 36: 17-35.
Introductory note, with Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Duarte Melo, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 9-14.
Nota introdutória, with Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Duarte Melo, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 9-14.
Participation, democracy, and creating a radical progressive utopia for the 21st century: An interview with Nico Carpentier (2019), with Derya Yüksek, Moment Journal, Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(2): 516-543.

Community media, their communities and conflict: A mapping analysis of Israeli community broadcasting groups (2019), with Hillel Nossek, Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 4(2): 1-13.
Critiquing hegemony and fostering alternative ways of thinking about homelessness: The articulation of the homeless subject position in the Greek street paper shedia (2019), with Vaia Doudaki, Communications. Media. Design, 4(1): 5-31.
Communication as the intersection of the old and the new (2019)
The construction of the homeless in the Greek street paper shedia (2019), with Vaia Doudaki, in Murru et al. (eds.) Communication as the intersection of the old and the new. Bremen: edition Lumière, pp. 85-103.

Outside the Comfort Zone: Participation and Advertising (2018), in Ana Duarte Melo and Marcela Duque (eds.) ParticipAD: Participatory Advertising: a global perspective with a Latin American focus / Publicidad Participativa: Una perspectiva global con un enfoque latinoamericano. Braga: CECS, pp. 13-34.
Além da escada da participação: Ferramentas analíticas para a análise crítica dos processos midiáticos participativos (2018), Mídia e Cotidiano, Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano, 12(3): 245-274.
Introduction: Discourse Theory, Media and Communication, and the Work of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (2019), with Benjamin De Cleen en Leen van Brussel, in Leen Van Brussel et. al (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory. Bristol: Intellect, pp. 3-31.
The Construction of the Homeless as a Discursive-Political Struggle: A Discursive-Theoretical Re-reading of the Homeless Subject Position (2019), with Vaia Doudaki, Filosofija. Sociologija, 30(1): 71-79.

"Participation is a corrective of imbalances in power relations": An interview with Nico Carpentier (2018), by Koffi Robert Badou, Vania Baldi, Nico Carpentier, in ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies, 11(1-21): 5-25.
Diversifying the Other: Antagonism, agonism and the multiplicity of articulations of self and other (2018), in Laura Peja, et al. (eds.) Current Perspectives on Communication and Media Research, Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 145-162.
Étirer les frontières des études sur les communications et les médias, An interview with Nico Carpentier (2018), by David Grondin, in Communiquer, 23: 137-154.
Stretching the Frontiers of Communication and Media Studies, An interview with Nico Carpentier (2018), by David Grondin, in Communiquer, 23: 155-170.

De-Naturalizing Antagonistic Nationalism Through an Academic Intervention: The Reception of Two Photography Exhibitions on the Memorialization of the Cyprus Problem (2018), with Vaia Doudaki, Yiannis Christidis and Fatma Nazli Köksal Comunicazioni sociali, 1: 50-67
Participatory Contact Zones and Conflict Transformation: The Participatory Intensities of the Cyprus Friendship Program (2018), with Derya Yüksek, in Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 5(1): 1-21
Foreword - The Era of the Both (2018), in Francisco Sierra Caballero and Tommaso Gravante (eds.) Networks, Movements and Technopolitics in Latin America. Critical Analysis and Current Challenges, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. v-xii
Mapping Community Media Organisations: A Methodological Reflection (2018), with Christiana Voniati and Vaia Doudaki, Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 3(1): 17-32

Introduction: A multidisciplinary and multiperspectival approach on conflict, with Vaia Doudaki (2018), in Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1-21.
Current Perspectives on Communication and Media Research (2018)
Introduction to The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation (2017)
An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency, with Vaia Doudaki (2018) Comunicazioni sociali, 1: 3-8

Media and Participation: A site of ideological-democratic struggle (2011) (now full open access)
Beyond the Ladder of Participation: An Analytical Toolkit for the Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Processes (2016), Javnost - The Public, 23(1): 70-88.
Différencier accès, interaction et participation (2016), in Pierre Morelli, Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel and Didier Baltazart (eds.) Publics et TIC: Confrontations conceptuelles et recherches empiriques, Questions de communication, Série actes 31. Nancy: PUN, pp. 45-69.
Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy (2019)
