Nico Carpentier Private Pages
Nico Carpentier's pages
Publications area
Working papers & reports
| PATRIARCHE, G., BILANDZIC, H., CARPENTIER, N., PONTE, C., SCHRODER, K., ZELLER, F. (eds) (2014) Building Bridges. Pathways to a Greater Societal Significance for Audience Research. Brussels: Cost Action TATS.
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| BILANDZIC, H., CARPENTIER, C., PATRIARCHE, G., PONTE, C., SCHRODER, K., VOSSEN, E., ZELLER, F. (eds) (2011) Overview of European Audience Research. Research report from the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies. Brussels: Cost Action TATS.
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| CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Translocalism, Community Media and the City. Brussel: VUB.
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| CARPENTIER, NICO, et al. (2006) Een gebruikersevaluatie van het RadioSwap-Project uit de periode 2004-2005. Brussel: CSC-KUB.
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| CAMMAERTS BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) The Unbearable Lightness of Full Participation in a Global Contest: WSIS and Civil Society Participation. Media@lse Electronic Working Papers nr. 8,
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| Carpentier, Nico, Terzis, George (eds.)(2005) Media representations of war and conflict. A workshop organized on March 18, 2005 by the KUB-Centre Communication for Social Change, the Communications Department of the Vesalius College (VUB) and the Pascal Decroos Fund for Investigative Journalism. KUB: Brussel.
See also the webpage on the workshop Media representations of war and conflict.
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| NICO CARPENTIER (2004) Coping with the agoraphobic media professional. A typology of journalistic practices reinforcing democracy and participation. CeMeSo working paper 2, workpap/cemeso-02-agoraphobic.pdf
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| CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) ICT als instrument voor culturele participatie. Een virtueel museumproject van nabij bekeken. Re-creatief Vlaanderen Working Paper 2003-3,
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| NICO CARPENTIER, BART CAMMAERTS, OLGA VAN OOST (2003) Cultuur en ICT. Verkennende analyses en gevalstudies 2002-2003. SMIT/VUB, 2003,
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| NICO CARPENTIER i.s.m. MURAT CAN, STEF DE PAEPE, DIRK DE WIT, ERIC JORIS, STEFAN KÖLGEN, ANN LAENEN, PASCAL NICOLAS en KURT VANHOUTTE (2003) Het Internet als atopische of utopische schouwburg? Verslag workshop theater en ICT, 26 maart 2003 ccBe,
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| CARPENTIER, NICO (2002) Bridging cultural and digital divides. Signifying everyday life, cultural diversity and participation in the on-line community Video Nation. Re-creatief Vlaanderen Working Paper 2002-5,
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| CARPENTIER, NICO (2002) Beyond the virtual binary. ICTs as tools for bridging cultural divisions. Re-creatief Vlaanderen Working Paper 2002-1,
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