Nico Carpentier Private Pages
Nico Carpentier's pages
Publications area
Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach. 2025, Routledge. (Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer)
Iconoclastic Controversies: A photographic inquiry into antagonistic nationalism. 2021, Intellect. (Nico Carpentier) |
Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected Works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. 2019, Intellect. (Leen Van Brussel, Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen (Eds.))
Respublika!: Experiments in the performance of participation and democracy. 2019, NeMe. (Nico Carpentier (Ed.))
Current Perspectives on Communication and Media Research. 2018, edition lumière. (Laura Peja, Nico Carpentier, Fausto Colombo, Maria Francesca Murru, Simone Tosoni, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony McNicholas, Hannu Nieminen and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (Eds.))
Cyprus and its Conflicts. Representations, Materialities, and Cultures. 2018, Berghahn. (Vaia Doudaki, Nico Carpentier (Eds.))
Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change. 2018, Routledge. (Ilija Tomani Trivundža, Hannu Nieminen, Nico Carpentier, Josef Trappel (Eds.))
The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation. 2017, Peter Lang. (Nico Carpentier)
Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement. 2017, edition lumière. (Simone Tosoni, Nico Carpentier, Maria Francesca Murru, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony McNicholas, Tobias Olsson and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (Eds.))
Media e Participação. 2017, Media XXI. (Nico Carpentier)
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Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a Transforming Environment. 2016, edition lumière. (Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Hannu Nieminen, Tobias Olsson, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ilija Tomanic Trivundža and Simone Tosoni (Eds.))
Alternatif medyayi anlamak (translation Understanding Alternative Media in Turkish). 2015, Kafka. (Olga Bailey, Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier)
Journalism, representation and the public sphere 2015. edition lumière. (Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic Trivundža, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn (Eds.)) |
Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. 2nd edition. 2015. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. (Carpentier, Nico (Ed.))
| The Social Construction of Death. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. (Leen Van Brussel and Nico Carpentier (Eds.))
| Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe. edition lumière. (Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic Trivundža, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin, Richard Kilborn (Eds.))
| Sociaal engagement, maatschappelijk middenveld en online media. Hoe kunnen middenveldorganisaties online media gebruiken om het sociaal engagement van burgers te versterken? Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting. (Carpentier Nico, with Pavlícková, Tereza, Airaghi, Giulia, Bertolotti, Silvia, Merckx, Liesbeth, Akdogan, Itir)
| Engagement social, société civile et médias en ligne. Comment les organisations de la société civile peuvent-elles utiliser les médias en ligne pour renforcer l’engagement social des citoyens? Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting. (Carpentier Nico, with Pavlícková, Tereza, Airaghi, Giulia, Bertolotti, Silvia, Merckx, Liesbeth, Akdogan, Itir)
| Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences Press. (Ilija Tomanic Trivundža, Nico Carpentier, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Ebba Sundin and Tobias Olsson (eds.))
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| Audience Transformations. Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity. London: Routledge. (Nico Carpentier, Kim Christian Schrøder, Lawrie Hallett (eds.))
| Media alternatywne (translation Understanding Alternative Media in Polish). Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellowskiego. (Bailey, Olga, Cammaerts Bart, Carpentier, Nico)
| Critical Perspectives on the European Mediasphere. The Intellectual Work of the 2011 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences Press. (Tomanic Trivundza, Ilija, Carpentier, Nico, Nieminen, Hannu, Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Pille, Kilborn, Richard, Sundin, Ebba and Olsson, Tobias (eds.))
| Media and Participation. A site of ideological-democratic struggle. Bristol: Intellect. (Carpentier, Nico)
| Media and Communication Studies Interventions and Intersections. The intellectual work of the 2010 ECREA European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu University Press. (Nico Carpentier, Ilija Tomanic Trivundža, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ebba Sundin, Tobias Olsson, Richard Kilborn, Hannu Nieminen and Bart Cammaerts. (eds.))
| Trans-Reality Television: The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience. Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)
| [Understanding Alternative Media] in arabic. Cairo: Arab Nile Group. (Bailey, Olga, Cammaerts Bart, Carpentier, Nico)
| Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe. The intellectual work of the 2009 European media and communication doctoral summer school.. Tartu University Press. (Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Tobias Olsson, Hannu Nieminen, Ebba Sundin and Kaarle Nordenstreng (eds.))
| Democracy, journalism and technology: New developments in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2008 ECREA media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu University Press. (Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Maren Hartmann, Peeter Vihalemm, Bart Cammaerts, Hannu Nieminen, and Tobias Olsson (eds.))
| Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis. Media, Arts and Literature. Hampton Press. (Nico Carpentier & Erik Spinoy eds.)
| Participation and media production. Critical reflections on content creation. (Nico Carpentier & Benjamin De Cleen (eds.))
| Understanding Alternative Media. Open University Press, Milton Keynes. (Bailey, Olga, Cammaerts Bart, Carpentier, Nico)
| Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school. (Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Maren Hartmann, Peeter Vihalemm, Bart Cammaerts & Hannu Nieminen eds.)
| Alternatives on media content, journalism and regulation. The grassroots panels at the 2007 ICA conference. (Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (Eds.))
| Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. (Carpentier, Nico (Ed.))

| Reclaiming the media. Communication rights and democratic media roles. (Bart Cammaerts & Nico Carpentier eds.)
| Researching media, democracy and participation. The intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school. (Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Maren Hartmann, Peeter Vihalemm & Bart Cammaerts (eds.))
| Towards a Sustainable Information Society. Deconstructing WSIS. (Jan Servaes & Nico Carpentier (Eds.))
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| Carpentier, Nico, Pauwels, Caroline, Van Oost, Olga (2004) Het on(be)grijpbare publiek/The ungraspable audience. Een communicatiewetenschappelijke verkenning van het publiek. VUBPress: Brussel.
Click here for (Dutch) contents.
| Carpentier, N. en Grevisse, B. (2004) Media in beweging. 22 journalistieke experimenten om burgerparticipatie te versterken. Brussel: KBS.
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| Grevisse, B. en Carpentier, N. (2004) Des Médias qui font bouger. 22 expériences journalistiques favorisant la participation citoyenne. Brussel: FRB.
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| Het rapport 'Tussen woord en daad', ism Michael Harzimont, Benoît Grevisse en Jan Drijvers, in het Nederlands
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| La publication 'Médias et citoyens', en collaboration avec Michael Harzimont, Benoît Grevisse et Jan Drijvers, en Français
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Book Series
| De volledige tekst van het doctoraat 'De discursieve articulatie van publieksparticipatie in vier televisie talkshows. Een onderzoek naar de constructie van publieksparticipatie in het televisiesysteem aan de hand van de discourstheorie van Ernesto Laclau en Chantal Mouffe', alleen in het Nederlands
Een korte samenvatting van het doctoraat 'De discursieve articulatie van publieksparticipatie in vier televisie talkshows. Een onderzoek naar de constructie van publieksparticipatie in het televisiesysteem aan de hand van de discourstheorie van Ernesto Laclau en Chantal Mouffe', in het Nederlands
A brief summary of the PhD 'The discursive articulation of audience participation in four television talk shows. An analysis of the construction of audience participation in the television system applying the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe', in English
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