Pagina van Nico Carpentier
Publications area
Publication list
Situation on 3 January 2024
(Co-) author of scientific monographs
- VAN HOVE, ERIK, CARPENTIER, NICO, KNOPS, NICOLE (1995) Jongeren, seks en AIDS herbekeken. Leuven/Apeldoorn, Garant, 159 p.
- CARPENTIER NICO, GREVISSE BENOÎT EN HARZIMONT MICHAËL (2002) Tussen woord en daad. Journalistieke praktijken die de betrokkenheid van de burger vergroten. Brussel: Koning Boudewijn Stichting.
- CARPENTIER NICO, GREVISSE BENOÎT EN HARZIMONT MICHAËL (2002) Médias et citoyens sur la même longueur d'onde. Initiatives journalistiques favorisant la participation citoyenne. Brussel: Koning Boudewijn Stichting.
- CARPENTIER NICO en GREVISSE BENOÎT (2004) Media in beweging. 22 journalistieke experimenten om burgerparticipatie te versterken, Brussel: Koning Boudewijn Stichting.
- GREVISSE BENOÎT en CARPENTIER NICO (2004) Des Médias qui font bouger. 22 expériences journalistiques favorisant la participation citoyenne, Brussel: Koning Boudewijn Stichting.
- BAILEY, OLGA, CAMMAERTS BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Understanding Alternative Media. Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
- BAILEY, OLGA, CAMMAERTS BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Understanding Alternative Media (translation in Arab). Cairo: Arab Nile Group.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, CORIJN, ERIC, JANS, ERWIN, JANSSENS, IVO (2010) Kunst in de wereld. Antwerpen: EPO.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Media and Participation. A site of ideological-democratic struggle. Bristol: Intellect.
- BAILEY, OLGA, CAMMAERTS BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Media alternatywne. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego (translation Understanding Alternative Media in Polish).
- CARPENTIER NICO, with PAVLÍCKOVÁ, TEREZA, AIRAGHI, GIULIA, BERTOLOTTI, SILVIA, MERCKX, LIESBETH, AKDOGAN, ITIR (2014) Sociaal engagement, maatschappelijk middenveld en online media. Hoe kunnen middenveldorganisaties online media gebruiken om het sociaal engagement van burgers te versterken? Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting.
- CARPENTIER NICO, with PAVLÍCKOVÁ, TEREZA, AIRAGHI, GIULIA, BERTOLOTTI, SILVIA, MERCKX, LIESBETH, AKDOGAN, ITIR (2014) Engagement social, société civile et médias en ligne. Comment les organisations de la société civile peuvent-elles utiliser les médias en ligne pour renforcer l’engagement social des citoyens? Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting.
- CARPENTIER NICO (2017) The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation. New York: Peter Lang.
- CARPENTIER NICO (2017) Mídia e Participação: Um local de luta ideológica democrático. Lisbonn: Media XXI. (Translation Media and Participation in Portuguese).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Iconoclastic Controversies: A photographic inquiry into antagonistic nationalism. Bristol: Intellect.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, WIMMER, JEFFREY (2025) Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach. London: Routledge.
Editor of scientific monographs / anthologies
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PAUWELS, CAROLINE, VAN OOST, OLGA (eds) (2004) Het on(be)grijpbare publiek / the ungraspable audience. Een communicatiewetenschappelijke exploratie van publieksonderzoek. VUBPress: Brussel.
- SERVAES, JAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds) (2005) Towards a Sustainable Information Society. Deconstructing WSIS, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, NORDENSTRENG, KAARLE, HARTMANN, MAREN, VIHALEMM, PEETER, CAMMAERTS, BART (eds) (2006) Researching media, democracy and participation. The Intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
- CAMMAERTS, BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds) (2007) Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (ed)(2007) Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, NORDENSTRENG, KAARLE, HARTMANN, MAREN, VIHALEMM, PEETER, CAMMAERTS, BART, NIEMINEN, HANNU (eds) (2007) Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE CLEEN BENJAMIN (eds) (2008) Participation and media production. Critical reflections on content creation. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SPINOY, ERIK (eds) (2008) Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis. Media, Arts and Literature, Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, NORDENSTRENG, KAARLE, HARTMANN, MAREN, VIHALEMM, PEETER, CAMMAERTS, BART, NIEMINEN, HANNU, OLSSON, TOBIAS (eds) (2008) Democracy, journalism and technology: New developments in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2008 ECREA media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, KILBORN, RICHARD, OLSSON, TOBIAS, NIEMINEN, HANNU, SUNDIN, EBBA, NORDENSTRENG, KAARLE (eds) (2009) Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe. The intellectual work of the 2009 ECREA European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
- VAN BAUWEL, SOFIE, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds) (2010) Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience in Reality TV, Lexington: MA: Lexington Books.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, SUNDIN, EBBA, OLSSON, TOBIAS, KILBORN, RICHARD, NIEMINEN, HANNU, CAMMAERTS, BART (eds) (2010) Media and Communication Studies Intersections and Interventions. The intellectual work of ECREA's 2010 European media and communication doctoral summer school.Tartu: Tartu University Press.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO, NIEMINEN, HANNU, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, KILBORN, RICHARD, SUNDIN, EBBA and OLSSON, TOBIAS (eds) (2012) Critical Perspectives on the European Mediasphere. The Intellectual Work of the 2011 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences Press.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO, NIEMINEN, HANNU, PRUULMANN-VENERFELDT, PILLE, KILBORN, RICHARD, SUNDIN, EBBA and OLSSON, TOBIAS (eds) (2013) Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana Press.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SCHRØDER, KIM, HALLETT, LAWRIE (eds) (2014) Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity, London: Routledge.
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2014) The social construction of death: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (ed.) (2015) Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war, updated 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers.
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO, HEPP, ANDREAS, TOMANIC-TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, NIEMINEN, HANNU, KUNELIUS, RISTO, OLSSON, TOBIAS, SUNDIN, EBBA, KILBORN, RICHARD (eds.) (2015) Journalism, representation and the public sphere. Bremen: edition lumière.
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO, HEPP, ANDREAS, KILBORN, RICHARD, KUNELIUS, RISTO, NIEMINEN, HANNU, OLSSON, TOBIAS, TOSONI, SIMONE, TOMANIC TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE (eds.) (2016) Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a transforming environment. Bremen: edition lumière.
- TOMANI TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA, NIEMINEN, HANNU, CARPENTIER, NICO, TRAPPEL, JOSEF (eds.) (2018) Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change. London: Routledge.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2018) Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures. New York: Berghahn.
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN, DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2019) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect.
- MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, COLOMBO, FAUSTO, PEJA, LAURA, TOSONI, SIMONE, KILBORN, RICHARD, KUNELIUS, RISTO, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE, KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2019) Communication as the intersection of the old and the new, Bremen: edition lumière.
Theme editor of academic journals
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SERBAN, HENRIETTA, GOIAN, ION (eds) (2006) Theme: Media and Democracy, Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, Editura Academiei Române, no.2.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, VAN BAUWEL SOFIE, BAUWENS JOKE, THOMAS TANJA, CSIGO PETER and VIRCHOW FABIAN (eds) (2008) European Research in Politics and Culture, Politics and Culture 4,
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SCIFO, SALVATORE (eds) (2010) Community media’s long march, Telematics and Informatics, 27(2).
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DAHLGREN, PETER (eds) (2011) Interrogating audiences: Theoretical horizons of participation. CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 21.
- MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2013) The responsibility of knowledge. The values of critique and social relevance in research on media and communication. Comunicazioni sociali, Rivista di Media, Spettacolo e Studi culturali, 3.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DAHLGREN, PETER (eds) (2014) Histories of media(ted) participation. CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 30.
- ULDAM, JULIE, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2015) Publics, Discursive Struggles and Political Agency, Javnost – The Public, 22(1).
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2016) Anchoring the Critical in Media Research, Javnost – The Public, 23(1).
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2018) Power, multidirectionality and contingency: political struggles over representation, decision-making and technology, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1.
- RIBEIRO, FÁBIO, DUARTE MELO, ANA, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2019) Rescuing participation, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36.
- RIBEIRO, FÁBIO, DUARTE MELO, ANA, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2019) Resgatar a participação, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36.
- DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, GOYVAERTS, JANA, CARPENTIER, NICO, GLYNOS, JASON, STAVRAKAKIS, YANNIS, TOMANI TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA (eds.) (2021) Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice, Journal of Language and Politics on Discourse Theory, 20(1).
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SUMIALA, JOHANNA (eds.) (2021) Arts-based Research in Communication and Media Studies, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO, GLOWACKI, MICHAL (eds.) (2022) Mediating Change and Changing Media, Central European Journal of Communication, 15, 1(30).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2024) The Construction of the Future of Platforms, Central European Journal of Communication, 17(1-35).
- BENJAMIN DE CLEEN, NICO CARPENTIER, JASON GLYNOS, JANA GOYVAERTS, MAXIMILIAN GR ÖNEGRÄS, YANNIS STAVRAKAKIS (eds.) (2025) Discourse Theory and the Turn to Practice, Journal of Language and Politics, 24(1).
- KIM, YONG-CHAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2025) Urban places, technologies and people: The importance of urban communication for communication and media studies, International Communication Gazette, 87(1).
Articles / contributions in scientific monographs / anthologies with an international referee system
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2000) Management of voices. Power and participation in North Belgian audience discussion programmes, in: Hybrid Spaces: Theory, Culture, Economy, Johannes Angermüller & Katharina Bunzmann (eds), New York: Transaction, p. 113-124.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SERVAES, JAN, LIE, RICO (2002) Making Community Media Work, in Jan Servaes (ed) Approaches to development. Studies on Communication for Development (cd-rom), Unesco, Paris.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SERVAES, JAN, LIE, RICO (2003) Making Community Media Work, in Jan Servaes (ed) Approaches to development. Studies on Communication for Development (print), p. chapter15-1 - chapter15-44, Unesco: Paris.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, LIE, RICO, SERVAES, JAN (2003) Is there a role and place for ‘community media’ in the new remit? In: Gregory Ferrell Lowe & Taisto Hujanen (eds) Broadcasting and Convergence: New Articulations of the Public Remit, pp. 239-254, Göteborg, Nordicom.
- CAMMAERTS, BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Blogging and the Second Iraqi War: extending participation and challenging mainstream journalism? in Carpentier, Nico et al. (eds) Researching media, democracy and participation. The Intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 157-171.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Introduction: Generating a unique learning experience. The Intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school in Tartu, in Carpentier, Nico et al. (eds) Researching media, democracy and participation. The Intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 9-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Participation and power in the television program Temptation Island, in Carpentier, Nico et al. (eds) Researching media, democracy and participation. The Intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 135-147.
- HARTMANN MAREN, CARPENTIER NICO, CAMMAERTS BART (2007) Learning democracy. Familyship and negotiated ICT users' practices, in Peter Dahlgren (ed) Young Citizens and New Media: Learning Democratic Engagement, Routledge, pp. 167-186.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) From individual tragedy to societal dislocation: The filmic representation of tragedy, dislocation, and cultural trauma in the Dreyfus Affair, in Nico Carpentier (ed) Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, pp. 245-270.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Introduction: Strengthening Cultural War Studies, in Nico Carpentier (ed) Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, pp. 1-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Fighting discourses. Discourse theory, war and representations of the 2003 Iraqi War, in Sarah Maltby & Richard Keeble (eds) Communicating War: Memory, Media and Military, Bury St Edmunds: Abramis, pp. 103-116.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Introduction: Participation and learning. The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school in Tartu, in Nico Carpentier et al. (eds) Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 11-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Theoretical frameworks for participatory media, in Nico Carpentier et al. (eds) Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 105-122.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SERVAES, JAN, LIE, RICO (2008) Making Community Media Work. Community Media Identities and their Articulation in an Antwerp Neighborhood Development Project, in Jan Servaes (ed) Approaches to development. Studies on Communication for Development, 2nd edition, Sage, London, pp. 347-373.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, LIE, RICO, SERVAES, JAN (2008) Community media - muting the democratic media discourse?, in Philip Seib (ed) Political Communication (vol. 2), London: Sage, pp. 16-36.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Communication Technology and Democracy, in Wolfgang Donsbach (ed) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, Volume III. Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 825-829.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Dichotomised discourses of war. The construction of the self and the enemy in the 2003 Iraqi War, in Nico Carpentier and Erik Spinoy (eds) Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis. Media, Arts and Literature, Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 29-54.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE CLEEN BENJAMIN (2008) Introduction: Blurring participations and convergences, in Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen (eds) Participation and media production. Critical reflections on content creation. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, pp. 1-12.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SPINOY, ERIK (2008) From the political to the cultural, in Nico Carpentier and Erik Spinoy (eds) Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis. Media, Arts and Literature, Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 1-26.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Introduction. The intellectual work of the 2008 European media and communication doctoral summer school in Tartu, in Nico Carpentier, et al. (eds) Democracy, journalism and technology: New developments in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2008 ECREA media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 13-20.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Identity, Contingency and Rigidity. The (counter-)hegemonic constructions of the identity of the media professional, in Nico Carpentier, et al. (eds) Democracy, journalism and technology: New developments in an enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2008 ECREA media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 61-82.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Digital Storytelling in Belgium: Power and Participation, in John Hartley and Kelly McWilliam (eds) Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Around the World, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 188-204.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE BRABANDER, LUDO, CAMMAERTS, BART (2009) Citizen journalism and the North Belgian peace march, in Stuart Allan and Einar Thorsen (eds) Citizen Journalism. Global Perspectives, New York: Peter Lang, pp. 163-174.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Introduction: The intellectual work of the 2009 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Tartu, in Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Tobias Olsson, Hannu Nieminen, Ebba Sundin and Kaarle Nordenstreng (eds) Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe. The intellectual work of the 2009 ECREA European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp 11-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Oscillations between coherence and fragmentation, and between globalisation, glocalisation and translocalisation: The Europeanisation of the Communication and Media Studies discipline, in Nico Carpentier, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Tobias Olsson, Hannu Nieminen, Ebba Sundin and Kaarle Nordenstreng (eds) Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe. The intellectual work of the 2009 ECREA European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, pp. 309-322.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) 'Produsers' on participatory websites. Ordinary young people and the politics of banality, in Peter Dahlgren & Tobias Olsson (eds) Young Citizens, ICTs and Democracy, Stockholm: Nordicom, pp. 51-68.
- VAN BAUWEL, SOFIE, CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Trans-reality TV as a site of contingent reality, in Sofie Van Bauwel and Nico Carpentier (eds) Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience in Reality TV, Lexington: MA: Lexington Books, pp. 1-17.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) A Short Introduction to Trans-Politics and the Trans-Political, in Sofie Van Bauwel and Nico Carpentier (eds) Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience in Reality TV, Lexington: MA: Lexington Books, pp. 103-104.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Post-democracy, hegemony and invisible power. The Reality TV media professional as 'primum movens immobile' in Sofie Van Bauwel and Nico Carpentier (eds) Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience in Reality TV, Lexington: MA: Lexington Books, pp. 105-124.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) A Short Introduction to Trans-Audience, in Sofie Van Bauwel and Nico Carpentier (eds) Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience in Reality TV, Lexington: MA: Lexington Books, pp. 227-228.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, VAN BAUWEL, SOFIE (2010) The politics of the prefix. From "post" to "trans" (and back)?, in Sofie Van Bauwel and Nico Carpentier (eds) Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience in Reality TV, Lexington: MA: Lexington Books, pp. 297-315.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA (2010) The intellectual work of the 2010 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Ljubljana, in Nico Carpentier, Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ebba Sundin, Tobias Olsson, Richard Kilborn, Hannu Nieminen and Bart Cammaerts (eds) Media and Communication Studies Intersections and Interventions. The intellectual work of ECREA's 2010 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: Tartu University Press, pp. 13-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Deploying Discourse Theory. An introduction to Discourse Theory and Discourse Theoretical Analysis, in Nico Carpentier, Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ebba Sundin, Tobias Olsson, Richard Kilborn, Hannu Nieminen and Bart Cammaerts (eds) Media and Communication Studies Intersections and Interventions. The intellectual work of ECREA's 2010 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu: Tartu University Press, pp. 251-265.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) New Configurations of the Audience? The Challenges of User-Generated Content for Audience Theory and Media Participation, in Virginia Nightingale (ed) The Handbook of Media Audiences, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 190-212.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Policy's hubris. Power, fantasy and the limits of (global) media policy interventions, in Robin Mansell and Marc Raboy (eds) Handbook on Global Media and Communication Policy. London: Blackwell, pp. 113-128.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) The ideological model of war. Discursive mediations of the Self and the Enemy, in Nancy Billias and Leonhard Praeg (eds) Creating Destruction. Constructing Images of Violence and Genocide. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 13-38.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Representing the Past and Present in Dieterle’s The Life of Zola, in Lawrence Baron (ed) The Modern Jewish Experience in World Cinema, Waltham: Brandeis University Press, pp. 29-35.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, VAN BRUSSEL LEEN (2012) Using Discourse Theory. A Discourse-Theoretical Exploration of the Articulation of Death, in Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Nico Carpentier, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Ebba Sundin and Tobias Olsson (eds) Critical Perspectives on the European Mediasphere. The Intellectual Work of the 2011 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, pp. 57-68.
- BOGAERTS, JO, CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) The Postmodern Challenge to Journalism: Strategies for Constructing a Trustworthy Identity, in Chris Peters & M. Broersma (eds) Rethinking journalism. Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape, London: Routledge, pp. 60-71.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Introduction: The intellectual work of the 2011 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Ljubljana, in Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Nico Carpentier, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Ebba Sundin and Tobias Olsson (eds) Critical Perspectives on the European Mediasphere. The Intellectual Work of the 2011 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, pp. 13-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) The participatory organization: Alternative models for organizational structure and leadership, in Tobias Olsson (ed) Producing the Internet: Critical perspectives of social media. Göteborg: Nordicom, pp. 63-82.
- TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, ILIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Introduction, in Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Nico Carpentier, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Ebba Sundin and Tobias Olsson (eds) Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana Press, pp. 13-22.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Quality Discourses. Community Media Articulations of Democratic and Negotiated quality, in Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Nico Carpentier, Hannu Nieminen, Pille Pruulmann-Venerfeldt, Richard Kilborn, Ebba Sundin and Tobias Olsson (eds) Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana Press, pp. 237-247.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Reality Television’s Construction of Ordinary People: Class-Based and Nonelitist Articulations of Ordinary People and Their Discursive Affordances, Laurie Ouellette (ed.) A Companion to Reality Television, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 345-366.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DAHLGREN, PETER, PASQUALI, FRANCESCA (2014) The democratic (media) revolution: A parallel history of political and media participation, in Nico Carpentier, Kim Schrøder and Lawrie Hallett (eds) Audience transformations. Shifting audience positions in late modernity, London: Routledge, pp. 123-141.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SCHRØDER, KIM, HALLETT, LAWRIE (2014) Audience/society transformations, in Nico Carpentier, Kim Schrøder and Lawrie Hallett (eds) Audience transformations. Shifting audience positions in late modernity, London: Routledge, pp. 1-12.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Facing the death of the Author. Cultural professional's identity work and the fantasies of control, in Pille Runnel and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (eds.) Democratising the Museum. Reflections on Participatory Technologies, Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, pp. 111-130.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Happily lost in the virtual space? Acces, interaction and participation in an Antwerp virtual arts museum, in Pille Runnel and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (eds.) Democratising the Museum. Reflections on Participatory Technologies, Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, pp. 185-201.
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO, HEPP, ANDREAS (2014) Introduction: Investigating the Everyday Presence of Media, in Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn, (eds.) Everyday Media Agency in Europe. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 9-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Participation as a Fantasy: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Power-Sharing Fantasies, in Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin and Richard Kilborn, (eds.) Everyday Media Agency in Europe. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 319-330.
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN, CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2014) Introduction, in Leen Van Brussel and Nico Carpentier (eds.) The social construction of death: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-10.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (eds.) (2014) Ethics, killing and dying. The discursive struggle between ethics of war and peace models in the Cypriot independence war of 1955-1959, in Leen Van Brussel and Nico Carpentier (eds.) The social construction of death: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-184.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Communication Technology and Democracy, in Wolfgang Donsbach (ed.) Concise Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 98-99.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA, CHRISTIDIS, YIANNIS (2015) Technological Struggles in Community Media, in Chris Atton (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media, Milton Park and New York: Routledge, pp. 483-493.
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO, HEPP, ANDREAS (2015) Introduction: Researching the transformation of societal self-understanding, in Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin, Richard Kilborn (eds.) (2015) Journalism, representation and the public sphere. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 7-17.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Recognizing difference in academia. The sqridge as a metaphor for agonistic interchange, in Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Ilija Tomanic-Trivundza, Hannu Nieminen, Risto Kunelius, Tobias Olsson, Ebba Sundin, Richard Kilborn (eds.) (2015) Journalism, representation and the public sphere. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 211-226.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) From individual tragedy to societal dislocation: The filmic representation of tragedy, dislocation, and cultural trauma in the Dreyfus Affair, in Nico Carpentier (ed.) Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, pp. 271-297.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Introduction: Strengthening Cultural War Studies, in Nico Carpentier (ed.) Culture, Trauma & Conflict. Cultural studies perspectives on contemporary war. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, pp. 1-20.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Différencier accès, interaction et participation, in Pierre Morelli, Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel and Didier Baltazart (eds.) Publics et TIC: Confrontations conceptuelles et recherches empiriques, Questions de communication, Série actes 31. Nancy: PUN, pp. 45-69.
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO, HEPP, ANDREAS (2016) Introduction, Researching the transforming environment of media and communications, in Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Hannu Nieminen, Tobias Olsson, Simone Tosoni, Ilija Tomanic Trivundža and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (eds.) Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a transforming environment. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 9-19.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) What is a decision? A post-structuralist exploration of the trinity of decidedness, undecidedness and undecidability, in Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Hannu Nieminen, Tobias Olsson, Simone Tosoni, Ilija Tomanic Trivundža and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (eds.) Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a transforming environment. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 87-103.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Power as participation's master signifier, Darin Barney, Gabriella Coleman, Christine Ross, Jonathan Sterne and Tamar Tembeck (ed.) The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 3-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Media and the Public Sphere, George Ritzer (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sociology Online, 2nd Edition, Malden: Wiley Blackwell,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate?, Laura Iannelli and Pierluigi Musarò (eds.) Performative Citizenship. Public Art, Urban Design, and Political Participation, Milano, Mimesis International, pp. 25-49.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Critical-cultural theory, media power and a multi-effect reality, Patrick Rössler, Cynthia A. Hoffner and Liesbet Van Zoonen (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, Volume II. Malden: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 276-295.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Discourse, Laurie Ouellette and Jonathan Gray (eds.) Keywords in Media Studies. New York: NYU Press, pp. 59-62.
- TOSONI, SIMONE, MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, PEJA, LAURA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Introduction, Researching Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement, in Simone Tosoni, Nico Carpentier, Maria Francesca Murru, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony Mcnicholas, Tobias Olsson, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (eds.) Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 9-19.
- CHRISTIDIS, YIANNIS, CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Translating an Academic Text into Sound Art: An Experiment with a Communication Studies’ Text on Participation, in Simone Tosoni, Nico Carpentier, Maria Francesca Murru, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony Mcnicholas, Tobias Olsson, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt (eds.) Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement. Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 207-224.
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) “Closing the book of life”, The hospice discourse and the construction of the dying role: a discourse-theoretical analysis, Vahid Parvaresh and Alessandro Capone (eds.) The Pragmeme of accommodation in connection with interaction around the event of death. Berlin: Springer, pp. 375-401.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA), John Flowerdew and John E Richardson (eds.) Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies, London: Routledge, pp. 272-284.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Beyond the ladder of participation. An analytical toolkit for the critical analysis of participatory media processes, in Ilija Tomani Trivundža, Hannu Nieminen, Nico Carpentier and Josef Trappel (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change. London: Routledge, pp. xx-xx.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Introduction: A multidisciplinary and multiperspectival approach on conflict, in Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Iconoclastic Controversy in Cyprus. The Problematic Rethinking of a Conflicted Past, in Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures. New York: Berghahn, pp. 25-54.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Studying conflicts in Cyprus. Lessons learned for conflict studies, in Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures. New York: Berghahn, pp. 290-299.
- PEJA, LAURA, TOSONI, SIMONE, MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Introduction: Current perspectives on communication and media research, in Laura Peja et al. (eds.) 2018 Summer School book, Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 9-17.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Diversifying the Other: Antagonism, agonism and the multiplicity of articulations of self and other, in Laura Peja et al. (eds.) 2018 Summer School book, Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 145-162.
- MELO, ANA DUARTE, DUQUE, MARCELA, CARPENTIER, NICO, CHADHA, SIDDHARTH (2018) What is ParticipAD? Perspectives on Participatory Advertising, in Ana Duarte Melo and Marcela Duque (eds.) ParticipAD: Participatory Advertising: a global perspective with a Latin American focus / Publicidad Participativa: Una perspectiva global con un enfoque latinoamericano. Braga: CECS, pp. 5-8.
- MELO, ANA DUARTE, DUQUE, MARCELA, CARPENTIER, NICO, CHADHA, SIDDHARTH (2018) Que és ParticipAd? Perspectivas sobre Publicidad Participativa, in Ana Duarte Melo and Marcela Duque (eds.) ParticipAD: Participatory Advertising: a global perspective with a Latin American focus / Publicidad Participativa: Una perspectiva global con un enfoque latinoamericano. Braga: CECS, pp. 9-12.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Outside the Comfort Zone: Participation and Advertising, in Ana Duarte Melo and Marcela Duque (eds.) ParticipAD: Participatory Advertising: a global perspective with a Latin American focus / Publicidad Participativa: Una perspectiva global con un enfoque latinoamericano. Braga: CECS, pp. 13-34.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Media and Participation, in Jan Servaes (ed.) Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change, Berlin: Springer, pp. 1-22 (online first).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) About Dislocations and Invitations: Deepening the Conceptualization of the Discursive-Material Knot, in Tomas Marttila (ed.) Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries into Relational Structures of Power, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 155-178.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN (2019) Introduction: Discourse Theory, Media and Communication, and the Work of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 3-31.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Putting your relationship to the test: Constructions of fidelity, seduction and participation in Temptation Island, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 115-136.
- BOGAERTS, JO, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) The postmodern challenge to journalism: Strategies for constructing a trustworthy identity, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 141-156.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, TRIOEN, MARIT (2019) The particularity of objectivity: A post-structuralist and psychoanalytical reading of the gap between objectivity-as-a-value and objectivity-as-a-practice in the 2003 Iraqi War coverage, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 159-178.
- LEPIK, KRISTA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Articulating the visitor in public knowledge institutions, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 203-224.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, HANNOT, WIM (2019) To be a common hero: The uneasy balance between the ordinary and ordinariness in the subject position of mediated ordinary people in the talk show Jan Publiek, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 227-244.
- DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Contesting the populist claim on ‘the people’ through popular culture: the 0110 concerts versus the Vlaams Belang, in Leen Van Brussel, Benjamin De Cleen and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication and Discourse Theory: Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 283-306.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Memorialization, participation and self-representation. Remembering refugeedom in the Cypriot village of Dasaki Achnas, in Tanja Thomas, Merle-Marie Kruse and Miriam Stehling (eds.) Media and Participation in Post-Migrant Societies. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 197-219.
- MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, TOSONI, SIMONE, PEJA, LAURA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Introduction, in Maria Francesca Murru, Fausto Colombo, Laura Peja, Simone Tosoni, Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Leif Kramp and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication as the intersection of the old and the new, Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 7-15.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) The construction of the homeless in the Greek street paper shedia, in Maria Francesca Murru, Fausto Colombo, Laura Peja, Simone Tosoni, Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Leif Kramp and Nico Carpentier (eds.) Communication as the intersection of the old and the new, Bremen: edition lumière, pp. 85-103.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, GANTER, SARAH ANNE, ORTEGA, FÉLIX, TORRICO, ERICK (2020) Un debate sobre el poscolonialismo y la descolonialidad: el cambio y la esperanza desde las perspectivas latinoamericana y europea, in Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Gabriel Kaplún, Miguel Vicente Mariño and Leonardo Custódio (eds.), Tradiciones de investigación en diálogo: Estudios sobre comunicación en América Latina y Europa, Lisboa: Media XXI, pp. 283-303.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, GANTER, SARAH ANNE, ORTEGA, FÉLIX, TORRICO, ERICK (2020) A Debate on Post-colonialism and De-coloniality: Latin American and European Perspectives on Change and Hope, in Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Gabriel Kaplún, Miguel Vicente Mariño and Leonardo Custódio (eds.), Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe, Lisbon: Media XXI, pp. 275-293.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) The articulation of the homeless subject position as subaltern other: A visual analysis of the Greek street paper shedia, in Anna Schober and Brigitte Hipfl (eds.) Wir und die Anderen: Visuelle Kultur zwischen Aneignung unf Ausgrenzung, Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, pp. 222-250.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA, AKBA, ALI HSAN, WANG, TIANYI (2021) Countering the stigma of homeless people: The Swedish street paper “Situation sthlm” as a counter-hegemonic voice for the re-humanization of homeless people, in Marta Pérez-Escolar & José Manuel Noguera-Vivo (eds.) Disliking outgroups: Overcoming hate speech and polarization in the participatory society. London: Routledge, pp. 173-192.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, JENKINS, HENRY (2022) ‘What Does God Need with a Starship?’: A Conversation About Politics, Participation, and Social Media, in Devan Rosen (ed.) The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media, New York: Routledge, pp. 203-219.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2023) When the margins impact on the centre: YouTube videos on displacement as conflicting constructions of the European identity, in Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl and Sandra Ponzanesi (eds.) Creating Europe from the Margins, London: Routledge, pp. 174–192.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) Entangling the Discursive and the Material, in Shi-Xu (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies, London & New York: Routledge, pp. 85-97.
Articles in scientific journals with an international referee system
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2001) Managing audience participation, European Journal of Communication, 16(2): 209-232.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, LIE, RICO, SERVAES, JAN (2003) Community media - muting the democratic media discourse?, Continuum, 17(1): 51-68.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) BBC’s Video Nation as a participatory media practice. Signifying everyday life, cultural diversity and participation in an on-line community, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(4): 425-447.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) Identity, Contingency and Rigidity. The (counter-)hegemonic constructions of the identity of the media professional, Journalism, 6(2): 199-219.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, CAMMAERTS, BART (2006) Hegemony, democracy, agonism, and journalism. An interview with Chantal Mouffe, Journalism Studies, 7(6): 964-975.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Revisiting analyses of media-war relationships in times of contingency and fluidity, Communications, the European Journal of Communication Research, 31: 469-480.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) The on-line community media database RadioSwap as a translocal tool to broaden the communicative rhizome, Observatorio (OBS*),
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN (2007) Bringing discourse theory into media studies, Journal of Language and Politics, 6(2): 267-295.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) The Belly of the City. Alternative Communicative City Networks, special issue of International Communication Gazette, edited by G. Gumpert and S. Drucker, 70(3-4): 237–255.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Introduction: A European perspective on Politics and Culture, Politics and Culture 4,
- SANTANA, MAAIKA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Chameleon strategies of BBOT-BNA, a Brussels digital storytelling organization. Dealing with the urban community, institutional politics and participation, Politics and Culture 4,
- CAMMAERTS, BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Blogging the 2003 Iraq War: Challenging the Ideological Model of War and Mainstream Journalism?, OBS*, 3(2),
- CARPENTIER, NICO, HANNOT, WIM (2009) To be a common hero. The uneasy balance between the ordinary and ordinariness in the subject position of mediated ordinary people in the talk show Jan Publiek, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 12(6): 597–616.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Participation is not enough. The conditions of possibility of mediated participatory practices, European Journal of Communication, 24(4): 407-420.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) The critical and its anchorage into the social. An introduction to the 2009 winter issue of Politics and Culture, Politics and Culture 4,
- SANTANA, MAAIKA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Mapping the rhizome. Organizational and informational networks of two Brussels alternative radio stations, Community media, Telematics and Informatics, 27(2): 162-174.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SALVATORE SCIFO (2010) Introduction: Community media's long march, Community media, Telematics and Informatics, 27(2): 115-118.
- DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Contesting extreme right populism through popular culture. The Vlaams Belang and the 0110 concerts in Belgium, Social Semiotics, 20(2): 175-196.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, TRIOEN, MARIT (2010) The particularity of objectivity. A post-structuralist and psycho-analytical reading of the gap between objectivity-as-value and objectivity-as-practice in the 2003 Iraqi war coverage, Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism, 11(3): 311-328.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Reading back beyond the "post" prefix. The politics of the signifier “post-socialism”, and its opportunities for the enrichment of participatory media theory, Mediální studia, 1/2010: 7-30.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Developing democratic and negotiated quality. Re-articulating discourses of quality through democratic and participatory media practices, CM, Communication Management Quarterly, vol. 13, nr. 4: 5-41.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, RESMANN, NICK (2011) The “ordinary” on commercial radio and tv. A reception analysis of the subject position of ordinary people in the participatory programmes Recht van Antwoord and Zwart of Wit, Communication Review, 14(1), 1-23.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Contextualising author-audience convergences. 'New' technologies' claims to increased participation, novelty and uniqueness, Cultural Studies, 25(4-5): 517-533.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DAHLGREN, PETER (2011) Introduction: Interrogating audiences – Theoretical horizons of participation, CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 21: 7-12.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate? CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 21: 13-36.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, VAN BRUSSEL LEEN (2012) On the Contingency of Death. A Discourse-Theoretical Perspective on the Construction of Death, Critical Discourse Studies, 9(2), 99-115.
- VAN BRUSSEL, LEEN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) The discursive construction of the dying subject. A discourse-theoretical analysis of Belgian newspaper articles on the end-of-life care, Journal of Language and Politics, 11(4), 479-499.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Discursive structures in the network society. A theoretical case study on the role of immaterial structures in media organisations, Javnost – the public, 19(4): 25-40.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Non basta dire partecipazione. Le condizioni di possibilità delle pratiche partecipative mediate, Comunicazioni sociali, Rivista di Media, Spettacolo e Studi culturali, 2: 263-273.
- LEPIK, KRISTA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Articulating the visitor in public knowledge institutions, Critical Discourse Studies, 10(2): 136–153.
- COHEN, JOACHIM, VAN LANDEGHEM, PAUL, CARPENTIER, NICO, DELIENS, LUC (2013) Public acceptance of euthanasia in Europe: a survey study in 47 countries, International Journal of Public Health, online version available - DOI 10.1007/s00038-013-0461-6.
- JENKINS, HENRY, CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics, Convergence, 19(3): 265-286.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DAHLGREN, PETER, PASQUALI, FRANCESCA (2013) Waves of media democratization. A brief history of contemporary participatory practices in the media sphere, Convergence, 19(3): 287-294.
- COHEN, JOACHIM, VAN LANDEGHEM, PAUL, CARPENTIER, NICO, DELIENS, LUC (2013) Different trends in euthanasia acceptance across Europe. A study of 13 Western and 10 central and eastern European countries, 1981-2008, European Journal of Public Health, 23 (3): 378-380.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Identity, Contingency and Rigidity. The (counter-)hegemonic constructions of the identity of the media professional, Medijska istraživanja/Media Research, 19(2): 90-119.
- MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) Introduction. Academia’s values of critique and social relevance, Comunicazioni sociali, Rivista di Media, Spettacolo e Studi culturali, 3: 291-295.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DAHLGREN, PETER (2013) The social relevance of participatory theory, Comunicazioni sociali, Rivista di Media, Spettacolo e Studi culturali, 3: 301-315.
- CARPENTIER, NICO DAHLGREN, PETER (2014) ‘Histories of media(ted) participation: An introduction’, CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 30: 7-14.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2014) Community Media for Reconciliation. A Cypriot case study, Communication, Culture and Critique, online version available - doi:10.1111/cccr.12017.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) ‘Fuck the clowns from Grease!!’ Fantasies of participation and agency in the YouTube comments on a Cypriot Problem documentary, Information, Communication & Society, online version available - doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2013.875582.
- ALLEN, DANIELLE, BAILEY, MOYA, CARPENTIER, NICO, FENTON, NATALIE, JENKINS, HENRY, LOTHIAN, ALEXIS, QUI, JACK, SCHAEFER, MIRKO TOBIAS, SRINIVASAN, RAMESH (2014) Participations: Dialogues on the Participatory Promise of Contemporary Culture and Politics. Part 3: Politics, International journal of communication, 8, Forum 1129–1151,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) On Walls, Squares, Bridges and Sqridges A framework to think about North-South dialogues in communication and media studies, Journal of Latin American Communication Research, 4(1): 12-29,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) The Cypriot web radio MYCYRadio as a participatory mélange. Overcoming dichotomies in the era of web 2.0, Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, 17(2): 91-108.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2014) Community Media for Reconciliation. A Cypriot case study, Communication, Culture and Critique, 7(4): 415–434.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) A call to arms. An essay on the role of the intellectual and the need for producing new imaginaries, Javnost – The Public, 21(3): 77-92.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Moving from potentiality to diversity. A typology of Belgian civil society's online media practices to enhance social engagement, Interactions, 5(3): 271-291.
- HÁJEK, ROMAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Alternative Mainstream Media in the Czech Republic. Beyond the Dichotomy of Alternative and Mainstream Media, Continuum, 29(3): 365-382.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Articulating participation and agonism. A case study on the agonistic re-articulations of the Cyprus Problem in the broadcasts of the community broadcaster MYCYradio, the Cyprus Review, 27(1): 129-153.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Differentiating between access, interaction and participation, Conjunctions, 2(2): 7-28.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Beyond the ladder of participation. An analytical toolkit for the critical analysis of participatory media processes, Javnost – The Public, 23(1): 70-88.
- KUBÍCKOVÁ, VLADKA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Re-Evaluating the Political Press. A Case Study on Political, Economic and Journalistic Functioning of the Inter-War Czechoslovak Party-press Newspaper Národní listy, and its Publishing Company the Prague Stock Printery (PAT), Observatorio (OBS*), 10(2): 1-29,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Community Media as Rhizome – Expanding the Research Agenda, Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 1(1): 4-6,
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2018) An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency: Political Struggles Over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology, Comunicazioni sociali, 1: 3-8.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA, CHRISTIDIS, YIANNIS, KÖKSAL, FATMA NAZLI (2018) De-Naturalizing Antagonistic Nationalism Through an Academic Intervention: The Reception of Two Photography Exhibitions on the Memorialization of the Cyprus Problem, Comunicazioni sociali, 1: 50-67.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Deconstructing nationalist assemblages. A visual essay on the Greek Cypriot memorials related to two violent conflicts in 20th century Cyprus, Comunicazioni sociali, 1: 33-49.
- VONIATI, CHRISTIANA, DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Mapping Community Media Organisations: A Methodological Reflection, Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 3(1): 17-32.
- YÜKSEK, DERYA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Participatory Contact Zones and Conflict Transformation. The Participatory Intensities of the Cyprus Friendship Program, Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 5(1): 1-21.
- BATISTOVÁ, ANNA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Constructing the Czech nation. A discursive-theoretical analysis of the articulation of the nation in the cultural magazines produced by Czech WWII London exiles, Journal of Language and Politics, 17(6).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Enriching Discourse Theory. The Discursive-Material Knot as a Non-Hierarchical Ontology, Global Discourse, 9(2): 369-384.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2019) The construction of the homeless as a discursive-political struggle: A discursive-theoretical re-reading of the homeless subject position, Filosofija. Sociologija, 30(1): 71-79.
- NOSSEK, HILLEL, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Community media, their communities and conflict: A mapping analysis of Israeli community broadcasting groups, Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 4(2): 1-13.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, MELO, ANA DUARTE, RIBEIRO, FÁBIO (2019) Rescuing participation: A critique on the dark participation concept, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 17-35.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, MELO, ANA DUARTE, RIBEIRO, FÁBIO (2019) Resgatar a participação: para uma crítica sobre o lado oculto do conceito, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 17-35.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) Communicating Academic Knowledge Beyond the Written Academic Text: An Autoethnographic Analysis of the Mirror Palace of Democracy Installation Experiment, International Journal of Communication, 14: 2120–2143.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) From stakeholders to joint knowledge production partners: Structuring the participation of non-academic partners in the start-up phase of an academic research project, Conjunctions, 8(1): 3-19.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Doing justice to the agential material: A reflection on a non-hierarchical repositioning of the discursive and the material, Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1): 112–128.
- DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, GOYVAERTS, JANA, CARPENTIER, NICO, GLYNOS, JASON, STAVRAKAKIS, YANNIS (2021) Moving discourse theory forward: A five-track proposal for future research, Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1): 22–46.
- HROCH, MILOŠ, CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Beyond the Meaning of Zines: A Case Study of the Role of Materiality in four Prague-based Zine Assemblages, Communication, Culture & Critique, 14(2): 252–273.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Silencing / Unsilencing Nature: A Participatory Visual Essay on the Right to Flourish, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1: 61-70.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) The European Assemblage: A Discursive-Material Analysis of European Identity, Europaneity and Europeanisation, Filosofija. Sociologija, 32(3): 187-195.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA, ROZSYPAL PAJEROVÁ, ANNA (2021) Conflicting and entangled human-nature relationships: A discursive-material analysis of the documentary film Kiruna - A Brand New World, People and Nature, 3: 1166-1178, at
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) The dislocation of the empty signifier freedom as a tool in global political struggles: A case study on RT’s mini-series How to watch the news, Javnost/The Public, online first,
- FILIMONOV, KIRILL, CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Beyond the state as the ‘cold monster’: the importance of Russian alternative media in reconfiguring the hegemonic state discourse, Critical Discourse Studies, online first, at
- FILIMONOV, KIRILL, CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) 'How is he entitled to say this?'': Constructing the identities of experts, ordinary people and presenters in Swedish TV series on climate change, Nordicom Review, 43(1): 111-128.
- FILIMONOV, KIRILL, CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) 'First forced displacements, then slaughter': Discursive regulations of nature by the state and Sami in a Swedish TV documentary, Journal of Language and Politics, 21(6): 827–846.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Facebook Groups in Sweden Constructing Sustainability: Resisting Hegemonic Anthropocentrism, Central European Journal of Communication, 15, 1(30): 52–71.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Silencing/Unsilencing Nature: A ‘Lupocentric’ Remediation of Animal-Nature Relationships, Central European Journal of Communication, 15, 1(30): 92-111.
- NICOLETTA, GERARDO COSTABILE, CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Shades of technocratic solutionism: A discursive-material political ecology approach to the analysis of the Swedish TV series Hållbart näringsliv (‘Sustainable business’), Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 13(2): 117–134.
- FILIMONOV, KIRILL, CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Beyond the state as the ‘cold monster’: the importance of Russian alternative media in reconfiguring the hegemonic state discourse, Critical Discourse Studies, 20(2): 166–182.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, HROCH, MILOŠ, CANNIZZARO, SARA, MICONI, ANDREA, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2023) Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation: A Participatory Semantic Map Approach, Observatorio (OBS*), 17(1): 100–133.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Mapping environment-focussed social media, audio-visual media and art, in Sweden, Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, online first,
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) A Social Mapping of Swedish Environment-Focussed Facebook Groups: The Principles, Methods and Implementation of a Mapping Project, Telematics and Informatics, 83, Article 102021,
- VUKOVI, SILVIJA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) The vertical and horizontal dimensions in the social construction of leadership: A case study on the social media followers of the Croatian politicians Zoran Milanovi and Miro Bulj, Leadership, 19(6): 530–548.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, MOREIRA, INÊS, MELIORANSKI, RUTH-HELENE, RUNNEL, PILLE, (2023) Palimpsestic Memorializations of World War II: A Visual Essay on Material Displacements and Discursive Struggles in the Estonian Memorialscape, Comunicazioni Sociali, 2: 219–245.
- DADELEN, MAZLUM KEMAL, CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) The Discursive Construction of Childhood in Three Turkish Children's Books about the Cyprus Problem, International Research in Children's Literature, 17(2): 144-159.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Unpacking the Discursive Assemblages of Anthropocentrism and Ecocentrism: Articulations of Space, Place and Time in the Documentary Film Gállok, Interactions, 13(1): 7-33.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2024) 'If you don't nurture the nature inside of you, you will eventually die': A discourse-theoretical analysis of the discursive assemblage of ecocentrism and its ethics in the Swedish television series Jordskott, Mediln studia, 18(1), 6-26.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, MICONI, ANDREA (2024) Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication Technologies: A Map of Four Anxiety and Two Hope Driven Scenarios, Central European Journal of Communication, 171 (35): 61-81.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2025 - online first 2023) Behind the narratives of climate change denial and rights of nature: Sustainability and the ideological struggle between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism in two radical Facebook groups in Sweden, Journal for Political Ideologies, 30(1): 200-219.
Articles / contributions in scientific monographs / anthologies with a national referee system
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) Beelden van diversiteit. Toegang, interactie en participatie in de 'on-line video community Video Nation', in Hans Waege, John Lievens & Rudi Laermans (eds) Cultuurkijker. Aanzetten voor cultuuronderzoek in Vlaanderen, Antwerpen, De Boeck, 2003, p. 281-312.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) Access and participation in the discourse of the digital divide. The European perspective at/on the WSIS, in Jan Servaes (ed) The European Information Society: A reality check, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, p. 99-120.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) ‘De vijand in de berichtgeving. Constructies van het zelf en de vijand tijdens de Irakese oorlog in March-April 2003’, in Knut De Swert, Marc Hooghe, & Stefaan Walgrave (eds) Nieuws op televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld, Leuven / Voorburg: Acco, 195-213.
- CAMMAERTS, BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) The Unbearable Lightness of Full Participation in a Global Context: WSIS and Civil Society participation, in Jan Servaes & Nico Carpentier (eds) Towards a Sustainable Information Society. Deconstructing WSIS, London: Intellect, pp. 17-50.
- SERVAES, JAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) Introduction: Steps to Achieve a Sustainable Information Society, in Jan Servaes & Nico Carpentier (eds) Deconstructing WSIS: Towards a Sustainable Agenda for the Future Information Society, pp. 5-16.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, LIE, RICO, SERVAES, JAN (2006) Media v malyh soobschestvakh: zaglushennyi demokraticheskii diskurs? [Community media - muting the democratic media discourse?], translated by Anna Trakhtenberg, in Rusakova, Olga (ed) Sovremennyii teorii diskursa: multidisciplinarnyi analiz (The modern theories of discourse: multidisciplinary analyses), Seriya "Diskursologiya". Vypusk 1. Ekaterinburg, Izdatel'skii dom "Diskurs-pi", pp. 77-101.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Expanding community media beyond the confinements of locality. Translocalism and the growth of the communicative rhizome, in Elena Vartanova (ed), Media and Change, Moscow: MediaMir; Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, pp. 46-65.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, CAMMAERTS, BART (2007) Reclaiming the media. Communication rights and expanding democratic media roles, in Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier (eds) Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. xi-xviii.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Participation and media, in Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier (eds) Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 87-91.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Coping with the agoraphobic media professional. A typology of journalistic practices reinforcing democracy and participation, in Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier (eds) Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 157-175.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Journalism, media, and democracy, in Bart Cammaerts and Nico Carpentier (eds) Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles, Bristol, UK & Portland, OR, USA: Intellect, pp. 151-156.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) Prácticas académicas glocais e translocais como contrapeso ás ideologias de Europeizaçao, [Glocal and translocal research practices as a counterweight for Europeanisation ideologies], in Cláudia Álvarez and Manuel José Damásio (eds) Teorias e prácticas dos media: Situando o local no global, Lisboa: Ediçoes Universitárias Lusófonas, pp. 119-139.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Communicating left-wing ideology, in Wim Vermeersch (ed) The Flemish Left amidst a nationalist surge. Ghent: Gerrit Kreveld Foundation and Samenleving en Politiek, pp. 133-140.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Opening-up the black box of participation. A reception study into the conditions of possibility of mediated participatory practices, in Ravi K Dhar & Pooja Rana (eds) Global Perspectives on Media in the Swirl. New Delhi: Pentagon Books, pp. 155-173.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) The identity constructions of media professionals. Coping with modernist articulations of the media professional as author and the recognition of difference, in Stefan Mertens (ed.) Perspectieven op internationale journalistiek, Gent: Academia Press: pp. 5-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2013) A Short History of Participation in the Cultural Realm, in Runnel, Pille, Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, Viires, Piret, Laak, Marin (eds.) The Digital Turn: Users' Practices and Cultural Transformations. Peter Lang: New York, pp. 207-221.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Küre-Yerellesmenin Ayna Görüntüsü Olarak Yerel Ötesi ve Topluluk Medyasi Yerel Ötesiciligi [Translocalisation as a Mirror Image of Glocalisation. Community Media beyond the Local], in Berrin Yanikkaya and Baris Çoban (eds.) Kendi Medyani Yarat Cilt 2 - Alternatif Medya, Kavramlar, Tartismalar, Örnekler [Create Your Own Media Volume 2 - Alternative Media, Concepts, Debates, Cases], Istanbul: Kalkedon, pp. 215-255.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Ernesto LACLAU, Chantal MOUFFE, Hegemonie si strategie socialist, Cristian-Ion Popa (ed.) Enciclopedia operelor fundamentale ale filosofiei politice. Contemporanii: 1971-1989, Bucharest, Editura ISPRI, pp. 351-361.
Articles in scientific journals with a national referee system
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SPEE, SONJA (1999) Een mening hebben over prostitutie. Een kritische kijk op de prostitutie-uitzending van Jan Publiek, in psw-papers, nr. 2.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1999) Het Westerse oorlogsdiscours tijdens de eerste drie weken van de Joegoslavische oorlog: een vergelijking met de Golfoorlog, in psw-papers, nr. extra, p. 11-23.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1999) Beelden van prostituées, de discursieve strijd om de subjectpositie, in Communicatie, tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur, jg. 28, nr. 2, p. 21-44.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2000) De identiteit van het televisiepubliek. Naar de articulatie van het televisiepubliek als discursief geladen betekenisveld, in: Communicatie - tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur, jg. 29, nr. 4, p. 19-37.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE VOS, PATRICK (2001) De discursieve blik. De discourstheorie van Laclau en Mouffe als denkkader en instrumentarium voor sociaal-wetenschappelijke analyse. Ethiek en Maatschappij, jg. 4, nr. 4, p. 3-30.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) Confruntarea cu o mass media profesionala “agorafobica”. O tipologie a practicilor jurnalistice de întarire a democratiei si participarii, Revista de stiinte politici si relatii internationale, nr. 4, p. 65-75.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) Journalism for democracy. Journalistic practices reinforcing democracy and participation, Romanian review of political sciences and international relations, nr. 2, p 3-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) Political philosophy at work. Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory as an analytical toolbox for studying the contingencies and rigidities in the construction of professional identities, Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 49(1-2): 181-198.
- CAMMAERTS, BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) The Unbearable Lightness of Full Participation in a Global Context: WSIS and Civil Society participation, Media@lse Electronic Working Papers nr. 8, London: LSE,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Introduction Mass Media and Democracy, Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, Editura Academiei Române (2): 3-7.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Translokalnost, mediji zajednice i grad [Translocalism, community media and the city], CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 2(4): 57-87.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PATYN, NIKY (2007) MUDs and power. Reducing the democratic imaginary? Studies in Communication / Estudos em Comunicação, (2): 1-45.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, TRIOEN, MARIT (2008) [Moving towards a psychoanalytical understanding of journalistic identity and the desire for objectivity], CM, Communication Management Quarterly, vol. 3, nr. 4: 5-27.
- JENKINS, HENRY, CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Teoretisanja o intenzitetu participacije: razgovor o participaciji i politici [Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics], Media and Communication / Mediji i komunikacije. International scientific journal of media, communication, journalism and public relations, 1(2): 19-48.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2015) Who to serve and how? A discourse-theoretical analysis of public service broadcasting as a floating signifier, Media and Communication / Mediji i komunikacije, 2(4): 7-23.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Além da escada da participação: Ferramentas analíticas para a análise crítica dos processos midiáticos participativos, Mídia e Cotidiano, Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano, 12(3): 245-274.
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Critiquing hegemony and fostering alternative ways of thinking about homelessness: The articulation of the homeless subject position in the Greek street paper shedia, Communications. Media. Design, 4(1): 5-31.
- KEJANLIOLU, D. BEYBIN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) The Discursive Construction of War and Peace in the Books of Three Turkish Commanders on the “1974 Cyprus Peace Operation”, Journal of Cyprus Studies, 20(44): 19-46.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, KEJANLIOLU, D. BEYBIN (2020) The Militarization of a Public Debate: A Discourse-Theoretical Analysis of the Construction of War and Peace in Public Debates Surrounding the Books of Three Turkish Military Commanders on the “1974 Cyprus Peace Operation”, Revista de Comunicação Dialógica, 3: 107-139.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, MELIORANSKI, RUTH-HELENE, RUNNEL, PILLE, MOREIRA, INÊS (2022) Discursive-Material Struggles over Legitimate Heroism: A Visual Essay on Floating Signifiers and Their Materiality in the Estonian Second World War Memorialscape, Membrana – Journal of Photography, Theory and Visual Culture, 7(1&2): 1–36.
Articles / contributions in scientific monographs / anthologies without referee system
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) The Identity of the Television Audience: Towards the Articulation of the Television Audience as a Discursive Field, in Nico Carpentier, Caroline Pauwels, Olga Van Oost (eds) Het on(be)grijpbare publiek / the ungraspable audience: een communicatiewetenschappelijke exploratie van publieksonderzoek. VUBPress: Brussel, p. 95-122.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PAUWELS, CAROLINE, VAN OOST, OLGA (2004) Het publiek is dood, lang leve het publiek, in Nico Carpentier, Caroline Pauwels, Olga Van Oost (eds) Het on(be)grijpbare publiek: een communicatiewetenschappelijke exploratie van publieksonderzoek. VUBPress: Brussel, p. 15-22.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Musea, macht en participatie, Maijke Leye (ed) Over (cultuur)participatie. Brussel: Kunst en Democratie, p. 161-176.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) [Reconciling the media professional's need for autonomy with journalism's democratic gate-opening potential in a post-Perestroika era], [Glasnost and Journalism: 1985-2005], Y. N. Zassoursky and O. M. Zdravomyslova (eds) Moscow: Gorbachev Foundation and Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State Univ., p. 125-150.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, DE WOLF HANS (2006) Het Platform in structuren gegoten / La plateforme traduite en structures / The platform in structures. Hans De Wolf (ed) Het platform. Doctoraat in de Kunsten. Het Brussels Model. VUBPress: Brussel, pp. 61-95.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, PATYN, NIKY (2006) Domeniile multi utilizatori si puterea. Se slabeste oare imaginarul democratic? [MUDs and power. Reducing the democratic imaginary?], Political communication: premises, confluences, tendencies, in Ana Bazac (ed) Bucuresti: Editura Vremea, pp. 321-362.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Kommunkiatsiya uchastiya. I. I. Mazura, A. N. Chumakova (eds) Globalistika. Mezhdunarodnyi, mezhdistsiplinarnyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar. Moscow-Sankt Petersburg-New York: Elima; Piter, p. 425.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, LIE, RICO, SERVAES, JAN (2007) Multi-theoretical Approaches to Community Media: Capturing Specificity and Diversity, Community media: international perspectives, Linda K. Fuller (ed), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-235
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Participation and interactivity: changing perspectives. The construction of an integrated model on access, interaction and participation, Virginia Nightingale & Tim Dwyer (eds) New Media Worlds. Challenges for Convergence Oxford University Press, pp. 214-230.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Putting your relationship to the test. Constructions of fidelity, seduction and participation in Temptation Island, in Luis Álvarez Pousa, Belén Puñal Rama, Joám Evans Pim (eds) Comunicación e Xénero. Actas do Foro Internacional. Santiago de Compostela: Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia; Observatorio Galego dos Medios (CD-ROM), pp. 207-230.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Rescuing the more radical meanings of participation from oblivion: the construction of an integrated model on access, interaction and participation, in Anthony V. Stavros (ed) Advances in Communications and Media Research, Volume 5, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 211-230.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Populaire toegang en toegankelijkheid in de massamedia: publiek debat of demagogisch populisme? Een (de)constructieve dialoog met 'Populisme', in Frank Fleerackers (ed) Advocare Cahier. Brussel: Larcier, pp. 47-74.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) De complexe relatie tussen communicatie en globalisering. Het RadioSwap-project als voorbeeld van glokalisering en translokalisering, G. Geeraerts en J. Delwaide (eds) Globalisering. Interdisciplinair bekeken, Brussel: VUBPress, pp. 133-156.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Media, democratische kwaliteit en het socialistische project, Carl Devos & Rudi Vander Vennet (eds) Rood zonder roest. Een sociaaldemocratie voor de 21e eeuw, Leuven: Van Halewyck, pp. 76-87.
- SANTANA, MAAIKA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) De kameleonstrategieën van de Brusselse verhalenverteller BBOT-BNA. Omgaan met stedelijke gemeenschap, institutionele politiek en participatie, in J. Kerremans (ed) S(O)AP - Spanningsvelden in de sociaal-artistieke praktijk, Brussel, EPO, pp. 59-78.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) De democratische legitimering van een publieke omroep. Naar een bredere invulling van het begrip democratische kwaliteit, Stefan Mertens (ed) Burgerschap en democratie in een veranderende wereld, Gent: Academia Press, pp. 7-21.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, HEINDERYCKX, FRANÇOIS (2009) Journalism education in Belgium, Journalism education in Europe, George Terzis (ed), Bristol: Intellect, pp. 91-106.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, LIE, RICO, SERVAES, JAN (2011) Multi-theoretical Approaches to Community Media: Capturing Specificity and Diversity, The Power of Global Community Media, Linda K. Fuller (ed), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-235.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Preface, Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Hans Schuman, Rob de Lange. Kritische Discoursanalyse. De macht en kracht van taal en tekst. Brussel: ASP, pp. 15-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Media Participation (Participatory Communication), in Alexander N. Chumakova, Ivan I. Mazour, William C. Gay (eds.) Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 331-332.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Foreword - The Era of the Both, in Francisco Sierra Caballero and Tommaso Gravante (eds.) Networks, Movements and Technopolitics in Latin America. Critical Analysis and Current Challenges, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. v-xii.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) Speech and Discourse: An argument for the acknowledgement of conceptual diversity and specificity, in Guiwu Gao and Xiaoyu Lin (ed.) Research on Host Communication in China, Beijing: Communication University of China Press, pp. 18-28.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Predmluva k Vystrihni - nalep, in Miloš Hroch, Vystrihni - nalep: Jak post-digitalni tisk a ziny vzkrisily papirova media. Prague: Akropolis, pp. 7-11.
Articles in scientific journals without referee system
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1994) De paradox van de kleinschaligheid. Naar een nieuw beleid voor de niet-openbare radio's, in: Samenleving en Politiek, 1(8): 40-46.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1995) Naar een cultuurbeleid voor de private radio. Een analyse van drie vergeten knelpunten, in: mediagids, Deurne, Kluwer, carp1-carp17.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2000) Beelden van prostitues, in Interaxis (, nr. 6, 2000.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, CAMMAERTS, BART (2000) Pleidooi voor een nieuwe politieke mediacultuur. Naar een vierpuntenplan voor de strijd tegen extreem rechts. Samenleving en Politiek, 7(4): 4-13.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) Media, oorlog en onmacht. Mediagids, 13: 173-184.
- CAMMAERTS, BART, CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) Pleidooi voor een nieuwe politieke mediacultuur - revisited. Samenleving en Politiek, 11(5): 15-18.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Putting your relationship to the test. Constructions of fidelity, seduction and participation in Temptation Island. Comunicación e Cidadanía. Revista Internacional de Xornalismo Social / Social Journalism International Review, 2: 321-345. Zie ook
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) L'identit de la radio. Vers une reconnaissance de la diversité et de la fluidité hertzienne, La Revue nouvelle, 65(10): 69-75.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Encarando a morte do Autor. O trabalho identitário do profissional de cultura e as fantasias de controle [Facing the death of the Author. Cultural professional's identity work and the fantasies of control], MATRIZes, 4(2): 183-204. Also available in Portuguese and English at
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2011) Hoe Linkse ideologie communiceren? Samenleving en Politiek, 18(8): 68-77.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate?, Fronteiras – estudos midiáticos, 14(2): 164-177. Available at
- RIBEIRO, FÁBIO, DUARTE MELO, ANA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Introductory note, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 9-14.
- RIBEIRO, FÁBIO, DUARTE MELO, ANA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Nota introdutória, Comunicação e Sociedade, 36: 9-14.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) Putting a Non-Essentialist Ontology to Work: A Response to Peter Dahlgren’s Review of the Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation, Conjunctions, 7(1): 1-12.
- GIACCARDI, CHIARA, BOURDON, JÉRÔME, CARPENTIER, NICO, DROTNER, KIRSTEN, RENA, DANA, VIRGINÁS, ANDREA (2020) Learning from the Virus: The Impact of the Pandemic on Communication, Media and Performing Arts Disciplinary Fields: A Round-Table, Comunicazioni sociali, 2: 157-169.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) Comunicando o conhecimento acadêmico além do texto acadêmico escrito: uma análise autoetnográfica do experimento da instalação Mirror Palace of Democracy, MATRIZes, 14(2): 75-99.
- DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, GOYVAERTS, JANA, CARPENTIER, NICO, GLYNOS, JASON, STAVRAKAKIS, YANNIS, TOMANI TRIVUNDŽA, ILIJA (eds.) (2021) An introduction to the special issue on ‘Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice’, Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1): 1–9.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, SUMIALA, JOHANNA (2021) Introduction: Arts-Based Research in Communication and Media Studies, Comunicazioni Sociali, 1: 3-10.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Participatory fantasies and their ethnic-nationalist frustrations in the YouTube comments on a Cypriot Problem documentary, Journal of Contemporary Media and Communication Research, 1,
- DOUDAKI, VAIA, CARPENTIER, NICO, GLOWACKI, MICHAL (2022) Mediating Change and Changing Media: Dimensions and Perspectives, Central European Journal of Communication, 15, 1(30): 2-14.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Akademik Bilgiyi Yazl Akademik Metnin Ötesine Aktarmak: Demokrasinin Aynal Saray Enstalasyon Deneyinin Otoetnografik Bir Analizi, Yeni Medya, 12: 400-420.
- MOREIRA, INÊS, CARPENTIER, NICO, MELIORANSKI, RUTH, RUNNEL, PILLE (2023) A Morte e Vida Dos Monumentos Soviéticos / The Death and Life Of Soviet Monuments, J–A Jornal Arquitectos, 264: 12-23.
- PAK, BURAK, CARPENTIER, NICO, HADI, TULIN (2024) Katilim, Şehir & Toplum, 27: 9-20.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, HROCH, MILOŠ (2024) Introduction: The Construction of the Future of Platforms, Central European Journal of Communication, 17, 1(35): 2-16.
- HROCH, MILOŠ et al. (2024) Roundtable Discussion: Perspectives on the Futures of Platforms and Democracy, Central European Journal of Communication, 17, 1(35): 125-140.
- KIM, YONG-CHAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2025) Introduction: Urban places, technologies and people: The importance of urban communication for communication and media studies, International Communication Gazette, 87(1): 4-8.
Articles / contributions in conference proceedings
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2009) Fantasmatic constructions of Europe. Democracy, dialogue, hegemony and homogeneity in Tomáš Trampota (ed) Ceská média a Evropská unie: 20 let smazávání hranic. Soubor v_deckých statí. [Czech media and the European Union: 20 years of border elimination. A collection of scholarly articles] Praha: Metropolitan University of Prague (Metropolitní univerzita Praha), pp. 5-28.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2010) A short history of cultural participation in Agnes Aljas, Raivo Kelomees, Marin Laak, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Tiina Randviir, Pille Runnel, Maarja Savan, Jaak Tomberg and Piret Viires (eds) Transforming Culture in the Digital Age (ebook). Tartu: Estonian National Museum, Estonian Literary Museum and University of Tartu, pp. 11-19.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Why Community media in the Czech Republic? A Roadmap to Develop Czech Community Media, in Irena Carpentier Reifova and Tereza Pavlickova (eds.) Media, Power and Empowerment - Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference CEECOM Prague 2012. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 288-293.
- CUSTÓDIO, LEONARDO, CARPENTIER NICO (2011) Entre Formas Minimalistas e Maximalistas de Participação Midiática. Nico Carpentier, Intercom – Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação, jan./jun. 2011, 34(1): 269-284. See
- TRÜLTZSCH SASCHA, CARPENTIER NICO (2013) Nico Carpentier: Crossing Borders, in Integrative AV- und Online- Kommunikationsforschung. Perspektiven – Positionen – Projekte, Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Sascha Trültzsch and Uwe Hasebrink (eds.) Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 23-28.
- VOZAB, DINA, CARPENTIER NICO (2015) Choosing Paradigms through Emotions: An Interview with Nico Carpentier, Sociologija Medija. Sekcija za sociologiju medija Hrvatskoga sociološkog društva,
- KRAMP, LEIF, CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2013-2015. Interview: Prof. Dr. Nico Carpentier. International Director, in Forschungsbericht 2015. Bremen: ZeMKI, pp. 102-103.
- JAAKKOLA, MAARIT, CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) “My enthusiasm for has cooled down considerably”, in The scholarly use of social media. How to make the most of it?, Nordicom-Information, 39(1): 69-70.
- TOKBAEVA, DINARA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) “The many different ways of doing journalism. An interview with Nico Carpentier”, JOCIS - Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies, 2: 108–113.
- BADOU, KOFFI ROBERT, BALDI, VANIA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) “‘Participation is a corrective of imbalances in power relations.’ An interview with Nico Carpentier”, ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies, 11, 1(21): 5-25.
- GONG, PIYU, ZHANG, JINSHENG, ZHAN, YANGLONG, CHI, HAONAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Participatory Communication as a New Research Direction in State Governance Studies: An Interview with Professor Nico Carpentier, Uppsala University, Sweden, Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication, 40(7): 163-176.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, GRONDIN, DAVID (2018) Étirer les frontières des études sur les communications et les médias, Communiquer, 23: 137-154.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, GRONDIN, DAVID (2018) Stretching the Frontiers of Communication and Media Studies, Communiquer, 23: 155-170.
- GONG, PIYU, ZHANG, JINSHENG, ZHAN, YANGLONG, CHI, HAONAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Participatory Communication as a New Research Direction in State Governance Studies: An Interview with Professor Nico Carpentier, Uppsala University, Sweden, in Communication and Good Governance. Guangdong's Experience in Participating in National Governance in the Perspective of Communication, Jinsheng Zhang and Piyu Gong (eds.), Guangzhou: Nanfang Daily Press, pp. 254-269.
- YÜKSEK, DERYA, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Participation, democracy, and creating a radical progressive utopia for the 21st century: An interview with Nico Carpentier, Moment Journal, Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(2): 516-543.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, MYLONAS, YIANNIS (2020) Discourse-theoretical perspectives on class, populism and participation. An interview with Nico Carpentier, Communications. Media. Design, 5(1): 201-221.
- GONG, PIYU, CHEN, YIMING, ZHANG, JINSHENG, CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) IAMCR: Understanding, Inclusion and Diversity: Interview with Nico Carpentier, the new President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (in Chinese), Global Journal of Media Studies, 8(2): 19-29.
- GONG, PIYU, CHEN, YIMING, XU, GUIQUAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Exploring digital media practices in discourse-material relations: Dialogue with Prof. Nico Carpentier, President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (in Chinese), Shanghai Journalism Review, 483(5): 75-83.
- GONG, PIYU, CHEN, YIMING, XU, GUIQUAN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Exploring digital media practices in discourse-material relations: Dialogue with Prof. Nico Carpentier, President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (in Chinese), Journalism and Communication, 9: 54-60.
Short reviews
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2000) Forging War (review) in Communicatie, tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur, jg. 29, nr. 2, 2000, p. 58.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2002) The RSL: Ultra local radio (review) in The journal of international communication, jg. 8, nr. 1, 2002, p. 143-144.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Publieke Televisie in Vlaanderen. Een geschiedenis (review) in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 28(1): 130-131.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Projecting Migration: Transcultural Documentary Practice (review) in Translocations: The Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review, 3(1), Summer,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) Bastard Culture! How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production, by Mirko Tobias Schäfer, European Journal of Communication, 27(2): 211-212.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Facebook democracy. The architecture of disclosure and the threat to public life, by José Marichal, Critical Policy Studies, DOI:
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) In Between Communication Theories through One Hundred Questions, Tomas Kaerauskas and Algis Micknas (2020), Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 13(2): 167–170.
(Academic) exhibitions and curatorships
- CARPENTIER NICO (2015) Iconoclastic controversies: A visual sociology of statues and commemoration sites in the southern part of Cyprus, Home for Coorperation, Nicosia, Cyprus (13 November – 21 November 2015). See
- CARPENTIER NICO (2016) Iconoclastic controversies: A visual sociology of statues and commemoration sites in the southern regions of Cyprus, NeMe Arts Centre, Limassol, Cyprus (23 January – 6 February 2016). See
- CARPENTIER NICO (2017/8) Respublika! A Cypriot community media arts festival, NeMe Arts Centre, Limassol, Cyprus (4 November 2017 – 19 January 2018). See Curation Open Community – Open Networks exhibition, with Christoph Wachter and Mathias Jud (4 November 2017 – 2 December 2017) // Curation Participation Matters (8 December 2017 – 19 January 2018) // Organisation Respublika! Festival (8 December 2017 – 16 December 2017) // Organisation Respublika! Seminar Series
- CARPENTIER NICO (2018) Iconoclastic controversies: A visual sociology of statues and commemoration sites in the south of Cyprus, University of Brasilia, Brazil (17 September – 7 October 2018).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Wolf Talks. An Arts-Based Research Exhibition, Part of Fotograf Festival, Prague, Czech Republic (3 September - 3 October 2021).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Wolf Talks. An Arts-Based Research Exhibition, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic (12-17 October 2021).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Wolf Talks. An Arts-Based Research Exhibition, University of Okara, AMCAP-UO-2022 International Media Conference. (2-3 February 2022).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Wolf Talks. An Arts-Based Research Exhibition, University of the Punjab, English Institute (8-13 February 2022).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Mirror of Conflict: Iconoclastic Controversies 2, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus (15-22 April 2022).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Wolf Talks. An Arts-Based Research Exhibition, Uppsala (24 October – 5 November 2022).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Mirror of Conflict: Iconoclastic Controversies 2, 6x6 Centre for Photography, Limassol, Cyprus (20-29 January 2023).
- CARPENTIER, NICO, UREY, DANIEL, ROSENQVIST, EMILIA (2023) Moulding Nature – Discursive Struggles Over the Environment, Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Sweden (26 August – 26 November 2023)
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Mirror of Conflict: Iconoclastic Controversies 2, Bandabulya, Famagusta, Cyprus (15-20 May 2023)
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Mirror of Conflict: Iconoclastic Controversies 2, Energy Museum, Istanbul, Turkey (9-22 October 2023)
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Mirror of Conflict: Iconoclastic Controversies 2, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic (1-6 October 2024)
Art projects
- CHRISTIDIS YIANNIS, CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Audionces. Sound art.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) Mirror Palace of Democracy. Art installation at Respublika! Participation Matters (8 December 2017 – 19 January 2018).
Exhibition catalogues
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe.
Contributions in exhibition catalogues and arts magazines
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) De grote spuwbeweging. De vermenging van kunst en journalistiek op Documenta, Freespace Nieuwzuid, jg. 3, nr 9, p. 52-60.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) Hedonisme als hegemonie en verzet, Freespace Nieuwzuid, jg. 4, nr 16, p. 104-111.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2005) Vrolijk virtueel verloren lopen in het Mukha?, Freespace Nieuwzuid, jg. 5, nr 17, 86-103 (
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Het geordende publiek. Bruce Nauman en ‘Raw Materials’ in Tate Modern, Freespace Nieuwzuid, jg. 5, nr 19, pp. 26-37.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) Manifest voor Televisiereconstructie. De beeldenstorm, nr 1. Freespace Nieuwzuid, jg. 6, nr 23, pp. 72-85.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2006) 'Mammen' en 'meloenen' op 'Sletteneiland'. Macht en management in het televisieprogramma Temptation Island. De beeldenstorm, nr 2. Freespace Nieuwzuid, jg. 6, nr 24, pp. 80-105.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Culturele instellingen, macht en participatie, Momenten, nr 1. Brussel: Kunst en Democratie, pp 12-25.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2012) De filmgeworden Edward Said. Over Out of Place en het werk, leven en activisme van Edward Said [Edward Said turned film. On Out of Place, and the work, life and activism of Edward Said]. nY, 12, pp. 611-618.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2014) Beeldenstrijd in Cyprus. Het problematische herdenken van een conflictueus verleden [Iconoclastic controversies in Cyprus. The problematic rethinking of a conflicteous past], nY, 24: 129-168.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2016) Differentiating between access, interaction and participation, NeMe,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) An Introduction to Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 3-8.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Introduction to Participations, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 17.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Community Media as Rhizome, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 19-28.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) The Art of Community Media Organisations, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 29-33.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Introduction to Reflections about Politics and Democracy, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 125.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Mirror Palace of Democracy, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 146-153.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Introduction to Interactions, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 199.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Introduction to Reflections about Identity, Community, Technology and Nature, Nico Carpentier (ed.) Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy. Limassol: NeMe, pp. 265.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Investigating Investigations, Fotograf, 33, 3-7.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) The Prague Zoo Wolf Assemblage: Reflections on the Frontiers of the Discursive and the Material, Fotograf, 35, 4-7.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) Asambláž v Zoo Praha: úvahy nad hranicemi diskurzivna a materiálna, Fotograf, 35, 4-7.
Short films and audiovisual essays
- VISUAL SOCIOLOGY STUDY GROUP (2007) Rescuing Participation: &
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2017) A Visit to the Mirror Palace of Democracy,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2018) A visual report on the Iconoclastic Controversies Exhibition in Brasilia,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2020) Four video essays on Silencing/Unsilencing Nature: Part 1—Discourse; Part 2—The Material and Entanglement; Part 3—The Wolf Assemblage; Part 4: Unsilencing Wolves,
- HROCH, MILOŠ, CARPENTIER, NICO (2021) Scissors, glue and other machines: The materiality of the Prague zine scene in the post-digital era, Tecmerin. Journal of Audiovisual Essays, 8, 2021(2),
- KOPIVOVÁ, KRISTÝNA, CARPENTIER, NICO, DOUDAKI, VAIA (2023) Conceptualization of change, Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 15(1).
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2023) Power & Gardens, Tecmerin: Journal of Audiovisual Essays, 12, 2023(2),
Reports of research projects
- VAN HOVE, ERIK, CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1993) Het amateurtoneel in de provincie Antwerpen, UIA, 125 p.
- VAKGROEP WELZIJNSPLANNING PSW-UIA (1993) Seksuele gedragingen en attitudes ten overstaan van het HIV-risico in België. Eerste resultaten van een nationale enquête. 25 November 1993. Rapport voor de Pers. Antwerpen, UIA, 33 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1993) Seksuele gedragingen en attitudes ten overstaan van het HIV-risico in België. Jongeren en Aids herbekeken. Antwerpen, UIA, 36 p.
- VAN HOVE, ERIK, CARPENTIER, NICO en KNOPS, NICOLE (1994) AIDS-preventie in Brussel. Antwerpen, UIA, June 1994, 48 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1996) Ongevallenpreventie in jeugdbewegingen, een onderzoek bij VVKSM, CHIRO, KLJ en FOS. Antwerpen, UIA, 1996, 171 p.
- WERKGROEP MEDIA EN AIDS (1996) Adviezenrapport Media en Aids. Een communicatiestrategie voor solidariteit en preventie, Ipac, Antwerpen, 67 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1997) Prostitutie in Antwerpen. Antwerpen, UIA, 244 p.
- SERVAES, JAN en CARPENTIER, NICO (1998) Wat verwacht de Antwerpenaar van De Antwerpenaar? Doorlichting van De Antwerpenaar op ATV en methodologie-ontwikkeling aan de hand van inhoudsanalyse en focusgroep-methode, Antwerpen, UIA, 168 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1998) De NV Kijkcijfers versus NV De Wereld, Antwerpen, UIA, 247 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1999) Leeronderzoek Jan en zijn Publiek. Antwerpen, UIA, 215 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1999) Leeronderzoek Dagboek en Communicatie, Antwerpen, UIA, 28 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, e.a. (1999) Leeronderzoek ‘Jan en zijn publiek’. Een receptie-onderzoek naar het VRT-programma Jan Publiek. Antwerpen/Gent, UIA-UG, 106 p.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2002) Beyond the virtual binary. ICTs as tools for bridging cultural divisions. Re-creatief Vlaanderen Working Paper 2002-1,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2002) Bridging cultural and digital divides. Signifying everyday life, cultural diversity and participation in the on-line community Video Nation. Re-creatief Vlaanderen Working Paper 2002-5,
- OLGA VAN OOST, BRAM LIEVENS, AN LAVENS, LEO VAN AUDENHOVE, CAROLINE PAUWELS, NICO CARPENTIER, PAUL RUTTEN (2003) Rapport CultuurNet Vlaanderen. Een onderzoek naar culturele participatie en ICT’s, Brussel, SMIT/VUB.
- NICO CARPENTIER, BART CAMMAERTS, OLGA VAN OOST (2003) Cultuur en ICT. Verkennende analyses en gevalstudies 2002-2003. SMIT/VUB, 2003,
- NICO CARPENTIER i.s.m. MURAT CAN, STEF DE PAEPE, DIRK DE WIT, ERIC JORIS, STEFAN KÖLGEN, ANN LAENEN, PASCAL NICOLAS en KURT VANHOUTTE (2003) Het Internet als atopische of utopische schouwburg? Verslag workshop theater en ICT, 26 March 2003 ccBe,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2003) ICT als instrument voor culturele participatie. Een virtueel museumproject van nabij bekeken. Re-creatief Vlaanderen Working Paper 2003-3,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) Coping with the agoraphobic media professional. A typology of journalistic practices reinforcing democracy and participation. CeMeSo working paper 2,
- CARPENTIER, NICO, TERZIS, GEORGE (eds)(2005) Media representations of war and conflict. A workshop organized on March 18, 2005 by the KUB-Center Communication for Social Change, the Communications Department of the Vesalius College (VUB) and the Pascal Decroos Fund for Investigative Journalism. KUB: Brussels, available at
- CARPENTIER, NICO, in collaboration with NATHALIE COLSOUL, NATHALIE GONZALEZ, ANDRIES FLUIT, LAURA SCHUERWEGEN EN JOZEFIEN VANHAVERBEKE (2006) Een gebruikersevaluatie van het RadioSwap-Project uit de periode 2004-2005. KUB: Brussel, available at
- TRIOEN, MARIT, CARPENTIER, NICO (2008) Mind the gap! The 2003 Iraqi war coverage, the desire for objectivity and journalistic identities, CeMeSo working paper 9,
- BILANDZIC, H., CARPENTIER, C., PATRIARCHE, G., PONTE, C., SCHRODER, K., VOSSEN, E., ZELLER, F. (eds) (2011) Overview of European Audience Research. Research report from the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies. Brussels: Cost Action TATS. Downloadable at:
- PATRIARCHE, G., BILANDZIC, H., CARPENTIER, N., PONTE, C., SCHRODER, K., ZELLER, F. (eds) (2014) Building Bridges. Pathways to a Greater Societal Significance for Audience Research. Brussels: Cost Action TATS,
- CARPENTIER, NICO, WIMMER, JEFFREY (2023) Democracy and Media: A Discursive-Material Approach. Wien: MeDeMap.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, HROCH, MILOŠ (2023) The EUMEPLAT Delphi+ Workshops: A Manual. Prague: Culture and Communication Research Centre, Charles University.
Other publications
a. Books
- WILLEMS, MIEKE, DAEMEN, ELS, CARPENTIER, NICO DUMEZ, CHRISTIANE (1997) Meer om het lijf. Relationele en seksuele vorming voor de eerste graad van de lagere school, De Sikkel, Oostmalle, 147 p.
- WILLEMS, MIEKE, DAEMEN, ELS, CARPENTIER, NICO, DUMEZ, CHRISTIANE (1997) Meer om het lijf. Relationele en seksuele vorming voor de tweede graad van de lagere school, De Sikkel, Oostmalle, 130 p.
- WILLEMS, MIEKE, CARPENTIER, NICO, DAEMEN, ELS, DUMEZ, CHRISTIANE (1999) Meer om het lijf. Relationele en seksuele vorming voor de derde graad van de lagere school, De Sikkel, Oostmalle, 212 p.
- GANGADHARAN, SEETA PEÑA, DE CLEEN, BENJAMIN, CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) Alternatives on media content, journalism, and regulation. The grassroots discussion panels at the 2007 ICA Conference. Tartu: University of Tartu Press. Also available at:
b. Articles etc.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1996) 'UIA lanceert "Aids-pages", Sociale kaart op Internet', in: Sociaal, Deurne, Kluwer, 1996, jaargang 17, nummer 4, p. 9-13
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1997) ‘Tranen op het scherm. Een apologie van de talkshow’, in: Jaarboek 98 seksualiteit, relaties, geboorteregeling, Gent, CGSO, 1997, p. 112-128
- CARPENTIER, NICO (1997) ‘Flemish Community radio. Or what’s left of it’, Interadio, vol. 9, nr. 2, p. 27
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2000) ‘Beelden van prostituées’, Keerzijde, jg. 13, nr. 1, p. 10-25.
- CARPENTIER NICO (2002) ‘Het publiek praat ook. Het publieksdiscussieprogramma Jan Publiek geanalyseerd’, Diogene(s), nr. 5, p. 53-57.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, GREVISSE BENOÎT EN HARZIMONT MICHAËL (2002) ‘Media en burgers’, DigiBeet: Magazine voor informatiegebruik en communicatie, 3(4), p. 13-20.
- CARPENTIER NICO (2003) ‘Irak en de ideologie van de oorlog’, Argus, 2003, nr. 12, p. 9-12.
- CARPENTIER NICO (2003) ‘Media, oorlog en onmacht’, in JP. Everaerts en L. De Brabander (eds.) De media en de golfoorlog. Journalistiek in tijd van oorlog en manipulatie. Gent/Brussel: Vrede/Mediadoc, pp. 12-27.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) ‘Beelden van prostituées’, Nieuwsbrief van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Seksuologie, nr. 4, p. 7-20.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) Oorlogsverslaggeving in de derde golfoorlog, één jaar later, Reflector, March 5(6), p. 8-12.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2004) ‘Media, participatie en macht. De dreigende vervaging van een cruciaal emancipatorisch concept’, DigiBeet: Magazine voor informatiegebruik en communicatie, 6(1), p. 2-14.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, VANDENBULCK, HILDE (2006) De verraderlijkheid van P&P, in media morgen. het boek, VRT: Brussel, pp. 84-88.
- CARPENTIER, NICO, VANDENBULCK, HILDE (2006) Nieuwe media, nieuwe vragen (Een selectie uit: Media morgen: reflecties over ‘Push’ en ‘Pull’, presentatie Media Morgen studiedag VRT), in Oosterlynck, P. et al. (eds.) Onbetreden paden. Een verkenning van de toekomstige culturele vrijetijdsbesteding van de 45-plusser, Brussel: Steunpunt voor het lokaal cultuurbeleid, pp. 117-118.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) ‘Wat is alternatief aan alternatieve media?’, in Ludo De Brabander (ed.) De media in gevaar? De neoliberale globalisering van onze informatiestromen, Vredescahier 3/2007, pp. 87-93.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2007) ‘Burgermedia voor de 21ste eeuw’, in Paul Vanlerberghe (ed.) Media Reader: Burgermedia. Brussel: Indymedia, pp. 12-25.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Enriching discourse theory: Cypriot memorials as an example of the workings of the discursive-material knot, Global Discourse Blog, 25 May 2019,
- JENKINS, HENRY, CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) Participatory Politics in an Age of Crisis: Henry Jenkins & Nico Carpentier (Part I to Part V), 30 May to 12 June 2019,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2019) The palimpsest house and its three winters, Guest blog at,
- MURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA, CARPENTIER, NICO, PRUULMANN-VENGERFELDT, PILLE (2019) Safe space for constructive critique: Interview with the editors of the researching and teaching communication series,
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2022) Att lyssna p tystnaden: Att otysta som demokratisk handling, in Daniel Urey (ed.) Grs utan blommor, Frgfabriken, pp. 62-67.
- CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) Power, participation, discourse and communication, Media Development, LXX (2/2024): 7-9.
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